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Kanelių gamyba iš pilno grūdo speltos kvietinių miltų

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dc.contributor.author Jaukšaitė, Simona
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T09:17:24Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T09:17:24Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/823
dc.description Simona Jaukšaitė. Production of caneles from whole grain Spelta wheat flour. The final paper.Supervisor: Aušra Repečkienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to design a company, that will make caneles using whole grain Spelta wheat flour. The subject of the paper: Canele production. The structure of the paper. Introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial-economic assessment of the project, conclusions. The results of the paper. Production facilities for the company that will produce caneles have been designed. Two types of caneles will be produced such as caneles with honey and with maple syrup. The aim of the project was to introduce a new recipe for canele production by replacing wheat flour with whole grain spelta flour. Both caneles have a pleasant smell and a mild taste. It has been determined that whole grain spelt wheat flour renders an exclusive taste that resembles the taste of nuts. The texture of product was soft, porous and moist. The inner and outer parts of the caneles produced were darker in comparison with traditional caneles. The flavour of honey and nuts prevails in the caneles with honey, whereas maple syrup renders a specific flavour of caramel and nuts, respectively. The research showed that introduction of honey and maple syrup increased the the nutritional value of the product. To write the final paper information from scientific articles, research and books has been used. The analysis of food safety and quality was done, and the following Critical Control Points have been identified: reception and storage of raw materials for CCP1 and storage of finished products in CCP 2 Appropriate preventive measures have been taken to control risk factors. The prime cost of products has calculated, caneles with honey €5, 28/kg and caneles with ample syrup €6, 08/kg The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 43 pages, 26 tables, 3 illustrations, literature sources 30, 3 annexes. Keywords: caneles, technology, whole grain Spelta flour, wheat en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamąjame darbe sukurtos kanelių receptūros: kanelės su medumi ir kanelės su klevų sirupu. Gaminant kaneles tradiciniai kvietiniai miltai buvo pakeisti į Spetla viso grūdo kvietinius miltus. Joms buvo steikti nauji skoniai ir padidinta jų maistinė vertė. Detaliai aprašyti pagaminti gaminiai ir jų gamybai naudojamos žaliavos bei medžiagos. Apskaičiuotas reikiamas žaliavų kiekis priimtam gamybos našumui. Taip pat išnagrinėta gamybos procese vykstantys cheminiai / biocheminiai procesai ir išanalizuoti rizikos veiksniai, apžvelgti reikalingi gamybai technologiniai įrenginiai. Ekonomiškai įvertinus projektą, apskaičiuota produkcijos savikaina en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kanelės, technologija, viso grūdo Speltos miltai, kviečiai en_US
dc.title Kanelių gamyba iš pilno grūdo speltos kvietinių miltų en_US
dc.title.alternative Production of caneles from whole grain Spelta wheat flour en
dc.type Other en_US

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