DSpace talpykla

Parduotuvės „Fomo“ klientų aptarnavimo kokybės gerinimas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Steponaitytė, Justina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T09:11:33Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T09:11:33Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/820
dc.description Justina Steponaitytė. Professional BA thesis. Improvement of Client Service Quality at FOMO Store. Supervisor Aušra Arminienė. University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. - Kaunas, 2018. 57 pages. Description. „FOMO” store service quality analysis with received data is being presented while highlighting the problematic areas that are in the service quality and giving solutions on how to solve every given problem. It is relevant to do this thesis, because „FOMO” store is concentrated on giving the best customer service to its clients. Although there is a lot of time being spent to communicate the importance of good service quality to the workers, store is receiving a lot of negative feedback on its customer service through their customer feedback tab, official reseach and comments on the internet. Highlighting the problematic areas will help consentrate only on the important areas of customer service and will help bettering them. The main problem - the customer service that is given in the „FOMO“ store is not meeting the customers needs. The aim – to analyze the customer service that is provided in „FOMO“ store through given survey, present factors which will help benefit the customer service quality while giving suggestons on how to accomplish them. Objectives - improving the customer service quality in „FOMO“ store. Methods - the official recearch of „FOMO“ company, customer service tab data, survey. The structure – the theoretical part discusses service and quality concepts and introducing different ways on how it is possible to messure service quality. The practical part of the work introduces research results which are analysed by RSQS service quality method while highlighting the problematic areas. The project part of the work presents suggestons on how to slove the problems which were highlighted in the practical part of the work, while including financial calculations. After analyzing and summarizing service quality in the store it is possible to see a few very important problems – lack of information about the products, lack of staff availability, for the clients it is hard to find working personnel in the store and also, not a very presentative product presentation. To solve the problems that were highlighted while analysing the reasearch it is nessesary to present products more structured, control the amout of products that are being sent to the store, for customers to be able to notice working staff in the store an official dress code is suggested and also it is important to share information about the product presentation to all staff members. The work consists of 57 pages, 14 tables, 21 pictures, 50 references and sources of information, 6 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje yra aptariama kaip literatūroje yra apibrėžiamos aptarnavimo bei kokybės sąvokos, pristatomi kokybės matavimo būdai, problemų kylančiu klientų aptarnavime sprendimas bei aptarnaujančio personalo svarba klientų aptarnavime. Analitinėje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami apklausos (tyrimo) rezultatai, kurie yra analizuojami pagal pasirinktą RSQS aptarnavimo kokybės metodą, akcentuojamos apklausos metu gautos problemos. Projektinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami apklausos metu gautų problemų sprendimų pasiūlymai, finansiniai apskaičiavimai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Klientas, aptarnavimas, kokybė, kokybės gerinimas. en_US
dc.title Parduotuvės „Fomo“ klientų aptarnavimo kokybės gerinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Improvement of Client Service Quality at FOMO Store en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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