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Verslo kreditavimo galimybių AB „Swedbank“ tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Ivaškevičius, Simas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T08:55:08Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T08:55:08Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/812
dc.description Simas Ivaškevičius. Business Crediting Possibilities at AB „Swedbank“. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor - lecturer Danutė Binkienė. Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Managament and Economics, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences. Kaunas, 2018. 43 pages. Companies, that wishes to hold its position in the market, has to constantly expand and modernize its practices. Constant investments into the company requires a lot of funds. Most of the enterprises doesn’t generate enough cash flow to keep the company running and at the same time finance its expansion. In that case they try to find external funding sources. The most popular external funding source is bank credit. For that reason it is very important to understand how banks determine creditworthiness. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. A big part of applications for credit from small and medium companies are rejected. Because of that reason it is really important to understand how banks detemine creditworthiness of companies. The aim of the professional BA thesis. After analysis of credits’ nature, determine crediting process in AB “Swedbank” Objectives of the professional BA thesis. 1. Theoretical analysis of the nature of credit and its contents; 2. Determine banks’ requirements for its debtors; 3. Perform a study on UAB “Alfa” and UAB “Beta” crediting opportunities in AB “Swedbank”. The structure. Theoretical part of the work discusses the nature of credit, credit risk and the importance of finansial analysis when determining debtors state. The practical part of the work provides the state of AB „Swedbank“ and what requirements they have for their debtors. Also second part overwievs UAB „Alfa“ and UAB „Beta“ characteristics and determines their creditworthiness. After the analysis of banks state and debtor requirements, there was a study done to determine creditworthiness of two companies. Their credit history and the results from finansial analysis influenced the result, that one comany was approved for credit and the other wasn‘t. The work consists of 43 pages, 10 tables, 8 figures, 24 references and sources of information, 6 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Įmonės norinčios išlaikyti savo poziciją konkurencinėje rinkoje privalo nuolat plėsti bei tobulinti savo veiklą. Dažniausiai įmonės nesugeneruoja pakankamai pajamų tiek veiklai palaikyti, tiek investiciniams planams įgyvendinti. Tokiu atveju jos bando surasti išorinių finansavimo šaltinių. Banko kreditas yra vienas iš populiariausių išorinių finansavimo šaltinių. Todėl labai svarbu suprasti kaip būtent bankai vertina įmonių kreditingumą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kreditingumas, kreditas, kreditavimas, AB „Swedbank“ en_US
dc.title Verslo kreditavimo galimybių AB „Swedbank“ tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Business Crediting Possibilities at AB „Swedbank“ en
dc.type Other en_US

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