DSpace talpykla

UAB „Medilita“ konkurencinių pozicijų stiprinimas Lietuvoje

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dc.contributor.author Barkauskas, Vikintas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T07:26:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T07:26:39Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/794
dc.description Vikintas Barkauskas. Professional BA thesis. Strengthening of competitive positions of “Medilita” in Lithuania. Supervisor Lecturer Vida Gembickienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. - Kaunas, 2018. 44 pages. Competition is perceived as a struggle, competition, and winning opportunity that strengthens the company's position as a competitor's eye. It is a competition between producers and service providers, due to consumer loyalty. The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) - The competitive position of „Medilita“ in comparison with its competitors is weak and ineffective, precisely this impedes the pursuit of better results in successful operations. The aim of the (professional BA thesis) - to evaluate the competitive position of „Medilita“ in Lithuania and to submit project decisions for its strengthening. Objectives of the (professional BA thesis): 1. Define the concept of competition, its concept and the benefits of strengthening the theoretical aspect. 2. To evaluate the position of UAB Medilita and its competitors in the market and to identify competitors' weaknesses and threats. 3. Submit project decisions to strengthen the competitive position of UAB Medilita in Lithuania. Methods of the (professional BA thesis) - analysis of scientific literature, SWOT, PEST analysis. The structure - the theoretical part deals with competition and classification, strengthening of competitive positions. The analytical part of the work presents the characteristics of Medilita, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis of the orthopedics market, and determination of market positions. The project part presents the project solutions for strengthening the competitive position. „Medilita“ ranked fourth among its competitors in the market. Its main competitors are the dominant „Ortopedijos technika“ and „OrtoPro“, a strong company „Pirmas žingsnis“, which have a favorable position in „Ortopedija Centras“, „Idemus“ and „Vilties žiedas“. Their weaknesses and threats were exploited. Therefore, the project proposal would be to increase the company's awareness through a variety of measures. These include: participation in conferences, company presentation in all Lithuanian hospitals, SEO and SEM, using Google AdWords, search engine marketing, video creation, embedding for instagram, youtube and facebook accounts. The work consists of 45 pages, 15 tables, 4 pictures, 36 references and sources of information, 4 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje aptariamos konkurencijos ir jos pozicijos samprata ir klasifikavimas, konkurencijos rūšys bei susitarimai, analizuojami moksliniai šaltiniai konkurencinių pozicijų stiprinimui. Analitinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama UAB „Medilita“ ir jos konkurentų charakteristika, paslaugų procesas, UAB „Medilita“ SSGG analizė, ortopedijos rinkos PEST analizė, visų įmonių pozicijų nustatymas bei pagrindinių konkurentų SSGG analizė. Projektinėje dalyje pateikiamas projektinis sprendimas konkurencinės pozicijos stiprinimui. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Konkurencija, konkurencingumas, konkurencinė pozicija, konkuravimas. en_US
dc.title UAB „Medilita“ konkurencinių pozicijų stiprinimas Lietuvoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Strengthening the Competitive Positions of Medilita UAB in Lithuania en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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