Baigiamaje bakalauro darbe buvo išsiaiškinta kokia yra gyventojų informacijos apie vaistus ir jų įsigijimo internetu patirtis. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, rezultatai literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 57psl. 64 bibliografinių šaltinių
75 ptc. of Lithuanian households had an internet connection in 2016. However, equal opportunities to access the Internet do not mean every person will percieve acquired health information the similarly. Half of EU inhabitants‘ health literacy level is sufficient and it influences individual‘s ability to obtain, comprehend and apply information. Easy Internet access enables the search for information about health, drugs and the online purchase of medicines. Internet is one of the most frequently used sources of information about drugs. Online health information aids in extending knowledge on health issues and medicine. Medicine made up 20 pct. of all product sales online in 2016. Purchasing medicine online increases the risk to recieve falsified drugs or to get inadequate pharmaceutical service. Over 57 thousand online pharmacies that were suspected to sell possibly falsified drugs have been shut down during INTERPOL operations Pangea IV-VII. Legally regulated internet pharmacies in Lithuania and other EEA countries can be identified by European Commision‘s Common logo. The function of the logo is to help individuals to assure themselves that the internet pharmacy is working by law.
3rd year student of Pharmacy technology program in Kaunas university of applied sciences is presenting a professional bachelor thesis „Residents‘ experience of acquiring medicine information and purchasing medicines online“. Aim of the study is to reveal residents‘ experience of quiring medicine information and purchasing medicines online. Objectives: 1. Theoretically explain the significance of pharmaceutical konsultation in self-medication. 2. To describe the main challenges of searching for information and buying medicines online. 3. To highlight the residents‘ experience of information search and purchasing medicine online.
An analysis of scientific and professional literature was completed in this thesis and a survey was conducted. 101 respondents who visited X pharmacy, seek medicine information and/or purchase them online participated in the study. Respondents‘ used medication information sources, sources used by respondents to purchase drugs and opinion on online retail of medicines were summarised. Respondents tend to use not only trustworthy sources of information, e.g. legally working online pharmacies, but also less trustworthy, like online forums or social media. Most of the respondents purchase drugs in community pharmacies, however some still decide to buy from friends or at markets. Food supplements, non-prespcription medicine and prescription are the most popular items to buy online. Men and women equally find it concerning that they may get an inadequate pharmacist consultation.