DSpace talpykla

Finansavimo šaltinių AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Gavėnaitė, Evelina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-11T11:50:09Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-11T11:50:09Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/770
dc.description Evelina Gavėnaitė. AB “Pieno žvaigždės“ Funding Sources Research. Professional BA thesis. Academic supervisor - dr. Arvydas Kazakevičius. Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. - Kaunas, 2018. 51 pages. Every single company developing their activities has one objective in mind, to earn as much profit as possible, however in most cases in order to spread their work activities, company has to take a loan. Often different problems appear when making a decision which sources of fundings are acceptable taking into account solvency financial stability and risk. The main problem of the professional BA thesis is what is the optimal AB “Pieno žvaigždės“ funding sources structure? The aim of the professional BA thesis is to analyze funding sources in AB “Pieno žvaigždės“. The subject matter of research is AB “Pieno žvaigždės“ 2013 – 2018 years funding sources. Methods of the professional BA thesis is analysis of scientific literature, comparative data analysis, graphical representation, methods of comparison and summing up, analysis of relative financial indicators, horizontal and vertical financial analysis, financial forecasting. The structure. The theoretical part discusses about funding sources and theirs classification to internal and external meaning, also funding sources usage in companies activities possibilities are shown, the forecasting methods and relative indicators related to the financing of the company are described. In the practical analysis part of the work introduces the results of financial reports analysis and the possibilities of redistribution of funding sources are presented. The results. After financial reports analysis, results shown that company has more responsibilities than own capital which is risky for companies solvency and stability. In order to reduce financial responsibilities and increase own capital it is advised to spend 20 000 000 new shares. After shares emission companies solvency and stability indicators will increase, respectively companies risk of bankruptcy will decrease. The work consists of 52 pages, 24 tables, 5 figures, 26 references and sources of information, 20 annexes. en
dc.description.abstract Šio darbo tema yra svarbi tuo, kad sparčiai vystantis technologijoms ir stiprėjant konkurencijai, ūkio subjektai, siekdami išsilaikyti rinkoje, privalo tinkamai valdyti įmonės turimus finansus, rūpintis finansavimo šaltiniais, kurie padėtų išlaikyti savarankiškumą ir toliau sėkmingai vystyti verslą. Pasirenkant tinkamą verslo strategiją derėtų nepamiršti, jog svarbu žinoti, kad jos sėkmė priklauso ne vien nuo investavimo, bet ir nuo finansavimo sprendimų. Tam, kad įmonė galėtų įsigyti jos veiklai reikalingą nekilnojamą turtą, įrangą ar įrengimus, ne visada pakanka įmonės turimų nuosavų finansavimo šaltinių, tokiu atveju įmonės savininkai yra priversti skolintis reikalingą lėšų sumą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Finansavimo šaltiniai, nuosavi ir skolinti finansavimo šaltiniai, mokumas, finansinis stabilumas. en_US
dc.title Finansavimo šaltinių AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative AB “Pieno žvaigždės“ Funding Sources Research en
dc.type Other en_US

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