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Augaliniais komponentais aromatizuoto gėrimo kokybinių ir saugos rodiklių modeliavimas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Augustinavičiūtė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-11T09:39:32Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-11T09:39:32Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/763
dc.description Kristina Augustinavičiūtė. Modelling the Qualitative and Safety Indicators of Aromatised Drink with Plant Components. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Aldona Sugintienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to model the qualitative and safety indicators, in the process of making aromatized spirit drink KADAGYS. The object of the paper: Modelling of qualitative and safety indicators during the production of aromatized spirit drink with plant components. The structure of the paper. Introduction, theoretical part, planning and realization of safe food production, financial - economic evaluation of the project, conclusions The results of the paper. Based on food safety and quality principles and modelling of indicators, the production workshop of the "Kadagys" aromatic spirit drink was designed. The annual production volume is 714200 l, the quantities of used raw materials are calculated, materials used for production: ethyl alcohol 309858,85 l, technologically treated water 410179,00 l, extract 35426,59 l, aromatic spirit 21255,95 l, sugar syrup 2040,85 l, citric acid 166,60 kg. The following ingredients for the production are: juniper berries, ginger roots, lemon peel, lime blossoms. The drink will be packed in glass bottles with a volume of 0.7 l. The technological process flow diagram is presented, the risk of each production process is analysed in details, important control point are determined CCP -1P – spoilage (checking of the glass breakdown or the possibility of other impurities). In the prepared HACCP plan the control is foreseen. The compulsory programs are designed to control the hygiene conditions in the premises, equipment for personnel and production flows. A laboratory research plan has been prepared, the physical and chemical properties of the simulated beverage have been prepared: strength 45 vol.%, Acidity 1.5 g / l, sugar content 10 g / l. In order to ensure high performance in the production process the equipments (containers, filter, bulkhead, pumps, bottling line), selected production, warehousing, auxiliary and household premises (total area of the workshop - 420.35 m2) were selected, the hazardous areas of safety zones were analysed, the employees were foreseen. The financial and economic evaluation was performed- the sum of direct and indirect costs for the production of the intended beverage is 3240692,09 Eur .One liter drink costs 4.54 Eur. The volume of the paper. The paper includes 52 pages, 13 tables, 1 illustrations, 33 literature sources and 3 appendixes. Keywords: Ethyl alcohol, technologically processed water, juniper berries, sugar syrup, citric acid. en
dc.description.abstract Vadovaujantis maisto saugos ir kokybės principais bei modeliuojant rodiklius, suprojektuotas augaliniais komponentais aromatizuoto spiritinio gėrimo „Kadagys“ gamybos cechas. Metinė gamybos apimtis – 714200 l, apskaičiuoti naudojamų žaliavų kiekiai, gaminiui: etilo alkoholio 309858,85 l, technologiškai apdirbto vandens 410179,00 l, antpilo 35426,59 l, aromatinio spirito 21255,95 l, cukraus sirupo 2040,85 l, citrinos rūgšties 166,60 kg. Antpilo gamybai naudojamos kadagio uogos, imbiero šaknis, liepžiedžių, citrinos žievelės. Gėrimas bus pakuojamas į 0,7 l talpos stiklo butelius. Pateikiama technologinio proceso srauto diagrama, detaliai išnagrinėta rizika kiekviename gamybos procese, nustatytas svarbus valdymo taškas SVT-1F – brokavimas (tikrinama stiklo įskilimas ar pašalinių priemaišų galimybė), o parengtame RVASVT plane numatomas jo valdymas. Sudarytomis būtinosiomis programomis, siekiama suvaldyti higienos sąlygas teritorijai, patalpoms, personalui įrenginiams, gamybos srautams. Parengtas laboratorinių tyrimų planas, sumodeliuotos gėrimo „Kadagys“ fizikinės ir cheminės savybės: stiprumas 45 tūrio proc., rūgštingumas 1,5 g/l, cukringumas 10 g/l. Ritmingam gamybos procesui užtikrinti, parinkti įrenginiai (talpyklos, filtras, saikiklis, siurbliai, išpilstymo linija), parinktos gamybinės, sandėliavimo, pagalbinės ir buitinės patalpos (bendras cecho plotas – 420,35 m2), išanalizuotas saugumo zonų pavojingumas,numatyti gamybos darbuotojai. Atliktas finansinis-ekonominis įvertinimas: tiesioginių ir netiesioginių išlaidų suma 3240692,09 Eur planuojamam gėrimui pagaminti. Vieno litro gėrimo kaina 4,54 Eur en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Etilo alkoholis, technologiškai apdirbtas vanduo, kadagio uogos, cukraus sirupas, citrinos rūgštis en_US
dc.title Augaliniais komponentais aromatizuoto gėrimo kokybinių ir saugos rodiklių modeliavimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Modelling the Qualitative and Safety Indicators of Aromatised Drink with Plant Components en
dc.type Other en_US

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