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Viršutinio žandikaulio restauracijos IPS e. max laminatėmis ir vainikėliais

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dc.contributor.author Tomelytė, Viktorija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-08T12:34:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-08T12:34:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/761
dc.description Viktorija Tomelytė (student of dental technology program) wrote the bachelor thesis "Upper jaw restorations with IPS e.max laminates and crowns ". Supervisor lect. Diana Skaudickienė, Kaunas college, faculty of medicine, department of oral health. Kaunas; 2018 This bachelor thesis is about the upper jaw IPS e. max laminates and crowns production, analyzing materials, production techniques, their possibilities of use, the harmony of smile and the importance of functionality. The aim of the research: To determine the most suitable IPS e.max laminates and crowns techniques for restoring aesthetics and functionality of the maxillary teeth. The tasks of the research: Identify the main elements of a harmonious smile and the importance of functionality. 2. Theoretically discuss the possibilities of IPS e.max laminates, crowns materials and techniques and their use. 3. To make the upper jaw IPS e.max laminates and crowns by choosing the most suitable techniques. Methods of research: 1. Scientific literature analysis, the purpose of which is to discuss elements of harmonious smile, importance of functionality, upper jaw IPS e. max laminates and crowns materials, technicians for their use. 2. The manufacture of dentures with the aim of choosing the most suitable IPS e.max laminates and crowns techniques for restoring the aesthetics and function of the upper jaw. en
dc.description.abstract Šis baigiamasis darbas yra apie viršutinio ţandikaulio IPS e. max laminačių ir vainikėlių gamybą, analizuojant mokslinę litetratūrą apie medţiagas, gaminimo technikas, jų panaudojimo galimybes bei šypsenos harmoniją ir funkcionalumo svarbą en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject IPS e. max, laminatės, vainikėliai, estetika, šypsena en_US
dc.title Viršutinio žandikaulio restauracijos IPS e. max laminatėmis ir vainikėliais en_US
dc.title.alternative Upper Jaw Restorations with IPS E.max Laminates and Crowns en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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