DSpace talpykla

„Artatrans“ LTD klientų aptarnavimo kokybės tobulinimas

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dc.contributor.author Velička, Arnas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-08T12:31:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-08T12:31:48Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/760
dc.description Arnas Velicka. Quality Improvement of ARTATRANS LTD Client Service Quality. Professional BA thesis. Lecturer Smilte Juraite. Kauno Kolegija University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. Kaunas, 2018. 52 pages. Description of the final thesis. Continuous changes and advancement of modern business environment requires new approach towards customer care quality in the field of logistics. The pursuit of a high level of customer service is adding value to the company’s services and has a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Targeted, efficient and smooth handling of orders, timely delivery to the agreed upon destination ensures customer friendliness and meeting their needs. The issue of the thesis. The overview of the previous year performance of Artatrans LTD shows increase in number of customer complaints and this was possibly one of the reasons of the decrease in customer number (sales reports suggest the decrease by 25 %). The objective of the thesis: To analyse logistics operations at Artatrans LTD targeting in servicing logistics customers and to provide recommendations on how to improve quality level. Study methods. Analysis of the Lithuanian and foreign literature, analysis of questionnaires and development of recommendations. Structure of the thesis. The Bachelor’s final thesis consists of the introduction, three parts, findings and recommendations, references and annexes. The first part of the thesis describes a concept of logistical servicing of customers from the theoretical point of view. The second part of the thesis provides an overview of the study method i.e. questionnaires and the evaluation of quality of logistics services rendered by Artatrans LTD. The third part provides for extensive recommendations to justify the relevant issue of the thesis, which was analysed in the analytical part. Results of the study. According to the respondents, customer service in the company needs improvements. The key mistakes in the field of customer service identified by the respondents include low level of qualification of the employees, lack of politeness, lack of relevant information, low cargo guarantees and small portfolio of services. Brief recommendations. The project part of the thesis provides for four suggestions, which could be implemented by the company to earn competitive advantages in the field of customer service: mystery shopping, implementation of the customer service standard / asking for feedback and trainings for employees. The final Bachelor’s thesis consists of 52 pages, 10 tables, 13 pictures, 54 information and literature references and 1 annex. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama klientų aptarnavimo samprata, paslaugų kokybės samprata, jos vertinimo metodika, klientų poreikiai, pagrindiniai aptarnavimo elementai ir siūlytinos strategijos teoriniu aspektu. Išanalizuojama įmonė, jos veikla, konkurentai, klientai ir atliekamas tyrimas, kuriame įvertinama įmonės aptarnavimo kokybė klientų atžvilgiu. Pateikiami išsamūs pasiūlymai sprendžiamai problemai pagrįsti, kuri buvo nagrinėjama analitinėje dalyje. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Tobulinimas, kokybė, slaptas pirkėjas, tyrimas, klientų aptarnavimo standartas, atvirieji mokymai. en_US
dc.title „Artatrans“ LTD klientų aptarnavimo kokybės tobulinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Quality Improvement of ARTATRANS LTD Client Service Quality en
dc.type Other en_US

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