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Personalo organizavimo veiklų vertinimas VĮ „Alfa“

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dc.contributor.author Žukauskaitė, Rimantė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-08T08:16:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-08T08:16:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/744
dc.description Author – Rimantė Žukauskaitė. Title of the work – Evaluation of human resourse management in construction company. Type of the work – professional bachelor thesis. Supervisor Lecturer Audronė Alijošiutė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. - Kaunas, 2018. 44 pages. Description of the professional BA thesis. In the current market, when everything is improving very fast, and the need for an ever-higher qualification of employees and their fast adaptation to changes as well, the organization of personnel becomes increasingly important in every organization, because in a company's system of personnel organization it helps the employee to work eagerly and to constantly improve. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. For each organization that wants its activities to be effective and to bring the company well-being, one of the most important aspects is the proper organization of the personnel, the importance of which is highlighted by most authors of scientific literature. However, according to Jankaitytė G. (2018), many current staff management practices are not adapted to the pace of modern change ... people want more flexibility, cooperation, productivity and innovation. Therefore, the question is how to carry out personnel organization activities in the company in order to be effective? The aim of the professional BA thesis. To carry out the evaluation of the SE ‘Alfa’ personnel organization system and submit suggestions for its improvement. Methods of the professional BA thesis. • Analysis of scientific-theoretical literature and online sources. • Interview. • Survey. • Company data analysis. The structure of professional BA thesis. The theoretical part describes the concept of a personnel organization system and its importance in organizations and discusses the elements of the personnel organization system. In the analytical part of the work is presenting SE 'Alfa’, its activities, also a description of the organization of the research and the results of the research carried out in the company. The project part evaluates the personnel organization system of SE ‘Alfa’ and presents recommendations for its improvement. The results of the work. To identify the employees' opinion about the activities of the staff in the PC "Alfa" and the possibilities for their improvement was conducted a survey. The survey found that both staff and personnel are good at evaluating the company's staffing activities. Short recommendations on how to solve the revealed issues worth improving. More frequent interviewing of staff with managers in order to ascertain their training needs and, at the same time, evaluate them. The work consists of 44 pages, 8 tables, 15 pictures, 21 references and sources of information, 2 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Vyraujant dabartinei rinkai, kai viskas sparčiai tobulėja, ir reikalinga vis aukštesnė darbuotojų kvalifikacija bei greitas jų prisitaikymas prie pokyčių vis svarbesnę vietą kiekvienoje organizacijoje užima personalo organizavimas, kadangi teisingai vykdant personalo organizavimo veiklas įmonėje galima padėti darbuotojui efektyviai dirbti bei nuolat tobulėti. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Personalas, personalo organizavimas, personalo organizavimo veiklos en_US
dc.title Personalo organizavimo veiklų vertinimas VĮ „Alfa“ en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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