DSpace talpykla

Filmų turizmo plėtojimo prielaidos Lietuvoje

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Stripeikytė, Rugilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-07T12:54:20Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-07T12:54:20Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/739
dc.description Stripeikytė R. Preconditions for film tourism development in Lithuania. Professional Bachelor‘s final thesis. Supervisor lecturer Lukšaitienė A. Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Management and Economics, Tourism and Hotel Management study programme. Kaunas, 2018, 51 p. In this bachelor’s thesis film tourism and the conditions necessary for the development of it in Lithuania are analysed. It’s important to investigate film tourism as a new cultural tourism branch because it gets more and more attention all around the world. The object of this work is preconditions necessary for film tourism development as this tourism branch is not yet well known in Lithuania, and all of the opportunities offered by it are not properly exploited. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate prerequisites of the development of film tourism in Lithuania. The main objectives of this work are: 1. to analyze the concept of film tourism as a niche of cultural tourism and the condition necessary for its development; 2. to present the current situation of film tourism in Lithuania; 3. to conduct research into the opinions of tourists and experts about the potential of film tourism in Lithuania. 4. to present recommendations for film tourism development in Lithuania. The theoretical part of this thesis represents the basic concepts of film tourism as a niche of cultural tourism as well as condition necessary for film tourism development. In the analytical part research which involves interview with tourism experts and a survey of local and foreign tourists’ results and SWOT analysis are presented in the analytical part. The final part of this thesis presents recommendations for film tourism development in Lithuania. The quantitative research findings approved that film tourism activities in Lithuania are not well-known, but respondents would be interested in them. Qualitative research revealed that Lithuania has potential to develop film tourism because it has the necessary resources and film industry. However, there is the lack of initiative, marketing or even film product development itself. In the last part of this thesis the conclusions and practical suggestions for film tourism development in Lithuania are presented. The thesis consists of 51 pages, 8 tables, 21 pictures, 50 literature and information sources, and 5 appendixes. en
dc.description.abstract Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos sąlygos, reikalingos plėtoti filmų turizmą Lietuvoje. Analizuojamos plėtojimo prielaidos bei įvertinamas filmų turizmo potencialas Lietuvoje. Darbas yra aktualus, nes nauja turizmo niša- filmų turizmas sulaukia vis daugiau dėmesio visame pasaulyje. Rašant darbą buvo analizuojama mokslinė literatūra, taip pat siekiant įvertinti filmų turizmo plėtojimo prielaidas, buvo atliktas tyrimas: apklausiami vietiniai ir užsienio turistai, bei imamas interviu iš specialistų, atlikta filmų turizmo galimybių Lietuvoje SSGG analizė. Teorinėje dalyje aptariami filmų turizmo kaip kultūrinio turizmo nišos teoriniai aspektai. Šioje dalyje pateikiamos kultūrinio turizmo sampratos, kultūrinio turizmo rūšys, taip pat nagrinėjamos filmų turizmo kaip kultūrinio turizmo nišos plėtros prielaidos. Analitinėje dalyje pateikiami atlikto kiekybinio bei kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai. Praktinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamos rekomendacijos filmų turizmo plėtojimui Lietuvoje. Darbą sudaro 51 puslapis, 8 lentelės, 21 paveikslas, 50 literatūros ir informacijos šaltinių, 5 priedai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kultūrinis turizmas, filmų turizmas, plėtojimo prielaidos en_US
dc.title Filmų turizmo plėtojimo prielaidos Lietuvoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Preconditions for film tourism development in Lithuania en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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