DSpace talpykla

Veido mankštos ir savimasažo poveikis odos rodikliams

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Rockina, Viktorija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-06T09:11:10Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-06T09:11:10Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/679
dc.description Topic of vital importance claims The skin has a big influence on the mental and emotional state of the person, has a positive effect on the social factors, healthy, active and fully balanced life (Blume-Peytavi ir kt., 2016). Significant skin changes occur in the third age decade. The small wrinkles start to appear, the skin becomes thin, loses its moisture balance inside, becomes dry and flabby (Wei-Lun ir kt., 2013). In the 20th century, plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz offered a facial skin muscle training system that improves the visual appearance of the face and internal skin condition parameters (Choi ir kt., 2016). Face exercising and self-massage of the face became especially popular in the 21st century and became a topical and widely debated topic in society. However, despite that, there is the lack of researches, that will prove the effectiveness of this methodology (De Vos M., 2013). Based on this, it can be assumed that face exercising and self-massage are relevant to society and require more detailed research or analysis, and in order to demonstrate the impact of this methodology, needed more detailed practical studies. Goal: find out the effects of face exercising and self-massage on skin characteristics. Objectives: 1. Describe the anatomical and physiological parameters of the facial skin in the theoretical aspect; 2. Theoretically substantiate the effects of facial exercise and self-massage on skin characteristics; 3. Assess the condition of the face skin before and after the face exercising and self-massage and compare them with each other. Research methods: scientific and professional literature analysis, qualitative research (experiment), statistical analysis of data. Outcome: after face exercising and self-massage course, it has been determined that the moisture and sebum indexes in the skin have increased, which is due to the reduction stretching, dryness and scaling of the face skin. After face exercising and self-massage diagnosis of face skin showed that the elasticity parameters in the skin increased significantly, making the visual skin look more intense and revealing a contour of the face. The results of the two groups of research were equally matched and showed an improvement of indicators, but the final results of the second group were higher than the first group. Conclusions: 1. Facial skin muscles are divided into two types: chewing and mimic muscles. Mimic muscles are innervated by facial nerve and chewing muscles are inervated by the trigeminal nerve. The face and head tissues are fed by a carotid artery. The head and neck area is the most surrounded by the lymphatic system, which is directly linked to the circulatory system and is responsible for the metabolic processes occurring in the skin the of the face. 2. Face exercising and self-massage by activating the bloodstream stimulate all the metabolic processes in the skin of the face. In the derma, fibroblasts become activited, that ensures the tone of the face skin, occurs the renewal of the intercellular connective tissue. In the regeneration of glycosaminoglycans, the proportion of hyaluron in the skin increases. Because of that the balance of humidity in face skin becomes bigger. Face exercising and self-massage emphasize the contours of the face, regulate the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, regenerative processes of the skin, which affects the sebum and as a result the face skin barrier properties become stronger. 3. The effects of face exercising and self-massage on skin characteristics appeared to be subjective and objective. Levels of elasticity, humidity and fatness of group 1 and of group 2 increased equally, but the results of the second group at the end of the research were higher than the first group. Based on the subjective senses of the researchers, showed a decrease of stretching or scratching on the skin of face. After the study, skin became softer and firmer. en
dc.description.abstract Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma surinkta mokslinė ir profesinė informacija apie veido odos anatominius ypatumus ir veido mankštos bei savimasažo poveikį odai; Antroje dalyje, atlikus eksperimentą, vertinama ir lyginama veido odos būklė prieš ir po tyrimo. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Mankšta, masažas, raumuo, rodikliai, oda, veidas en_US
dc.title Veido mankštos ir savimasažo poveikis odos rodikliams en_US
dc.title.alternative The Effects of Facial Exercise and Self-massage on Characteristics of the Skin en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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