DSpace talpykla

Valgomųjų ledų gamybos cechas

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dc.contributor.author Jarackaitė, Lina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-06T07:58:41Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-06T07:58:41Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/671
dc.description Lina Jarackaitė. Production shop of edible ice-cream with mango jam. The final paper./Supervisor: Ilona Šostakienė; Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies. Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: To design production shop of edible ice-cream which production capacity is 2000kg / shift . The subject of the paper: Production shop of edible ice-cream with mango jam. Structure of the paper: Introduction, theoretical part, projection of technological part, financial-economic evaluation of the project, conclusions, information sources. The outcomes of the paper: Production shop of edible Plombières ice cream with mango jam and vanilla Plombières ice cream has been designed. According to the established production 2000 kg capacity, the raw material for the production of ice cream is 968 kg 3.4% fat milk, 167 kg 80% fat butter, 282 kg sugar, 100 kg mango jam, 160 kg waffle and other raw materials. Description of raw materials and auxiliary materials as well as legal acts has been presented. A technological flow diagram has been developed and analysed starting from milk reception at 10 oC, pasteurization of milk at 72 oC for at least 20s, mixing 35-60 oC, homogenization of 100 bar, 45-56 oC, pasteurization of the mixture, and finishing at storage of the product at minus 18 oC longer than 12 months. Ctritaical Control Points have been analyses and identified as follows: CCP - 1C (milk reception), CCP - 1B (milk pasteurization), CCP - 2B (mixing pasteurization), CCP - 1F (product packaging). Equipment for mixing room and production facilities, the main part of their ice cream forming line SDA-600 has been selected. It has been estimated that 720 m2 of building is required for the production of ice cream. The workshop's working time is 342 days a year. The financial - economic evaluation of the project: the prime-cost of 1 kg of Plombières ice cream with mango jam is 3.16 EUR, and vanilla Plombières ice cream prime-cost of 1 kg is 2.59 EUR. The volume of the paper: The paper contains 55 pages, 29 tables, 11 picture, 39 literature sources Keywords: Ice-cream, plombièr, milk, mango jam. en
dc.description.abstract Suprojektuotas valgomųjų ledų cechas, kuriame gaminami plombyriniai valgomieji ledai su mango uogiene ir plombyriniai vaniliniai ledai. Pagal nustatytą 2000kg našumą, valgomųjų ledų gamybai apskaičiuotos žaliavos pamainai: 968 kg 3,4 % riebumo pieno, 167 kg 80 % riebumo sviesto, 282 kg cukraus, 100 kg mango uogienės, 160 kg vaflinių indelių ir kitų žaliavų. Sudaryta ir išanalizuota technologinio srauto diagrama pradedant pieno priėmimu 10 oC, pieno pasterizavimu 72 oC ne trumpiau 20s, mišinio sudarymu 35 – 60 oC, homogenizavimu 100 bar, 45 – 56 oC, mišinio pasterizavimu, kitomis operacijomis ir baigiant produkcijos laikymu minus 18 oC temperatūroje ne ilgiau 12 mėn. Išanalizuoti ir nustatyti svarbūs valdymo taškai: SVT – 1C (pieno priėmimas), SVT – 1B (pieno pasterizavimas), SVT – 2B (mišinio pasterizavimas), SVT – 1F (produkto pakavimas). Parinkti įrenginiai mišinio sudarymo patalpai ir gamybinėms patalpoms, pagrindinis iš jų valgomųjų ledų formavimo linija SDA-600. Apskaičiuota, kad visai valgomųjų ledų gamybai organizuoti reikalingas 720 m2 ploto pastatas. Cecho darbo laikas per metus 342 dienos. Atliktas finansinis – ekonominis projekto įvertinimas: valgomųjų ledų su mango uogienės įdaru 1 kg savikaina lygi 3,16 Eur, o vanilinių valgomųjų ledų 1 kg savikaina 2,59 Eur en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Valgomieji ledai, plombyras, pienas, mango uogienė en_US
dc.title Valgomųjų ledų gamybos cechas en_US
dc.title.alternative Production shop of edible ice-cream with mango jam en
dc.type Other en_US

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