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Pramoginių renginių turistams pasiūla ir paklausa Kauno mieste

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dc.contributor.author Jumatovaitė, Ana
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-05T11:41:21Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-05T11:41:21Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/653
dc.description Jumatovaite A. Entertainment events for tourists, supply and demand in Kaunas city. Professional Bachelor‘s final thesis. Supervisor lecturer Urbaite V.. Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Management and Economics, Tourism and Hotel Management study programme. Kaunas, 2018 The final paper is analyzing entertainment events supply and demand for tourists in Katmas city. Kaunas is announced as the Capital of the Europe's culture 2022 so it must be valuable to make Kaunas city's name known by organizing entertainment events. The problem of the paper — to find out is the supplying of entertainment events for tourists matches the demanding. The aim of the paper — to analyze entertainment events' supply and demand for tourists in Kaunas city. Objectives of the paper: 1. To define entertainment events and its supply and demand for tourists based on Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature. 2. To analyze supplying and demanding of entertainment events for tourists situation in Kaunas city. 3. To investigate entertainment events' supply and demand for tourists in Kaunas city using quantitative and qualitative study. 4. After study, based on its results, to give recommendations on how to develop and expand supply and demand of entertainment events. The methods of the paper: lithuanian and foreign scientific literature sources analysis, statistics analysis, the poll, interview, SWOT analysis. In the theorical part, the event's definition, classification is being discussed, the defmition of entertainment event is being giving and so are its types, the factors that form supplying and demanding. The short tourism situation analysis, the demand of entertainment events in Kaunas city is given in analytical part. The research is made for entertainment events' supplying and demanding. After research, the local and foreign tourists given results during the interviews and poll, locals state that Kaunas city is organizing enough entertainment events, but foreign tourists say it's not enough. The main recommendations to expand the supplying of entertainment events is to organize events in foreign languages, to publish about entertainment events in foreign languages using social media, the reachable sources for foreign tourists, to upgrade existing supplying of entertainment events for local tourists. The paper is made of 52 pages, 7 tables, 11 pictures, 37 literature sources, 5 appendix. en
dc.description.abstract Šiame darbe analizuojama pramoginių renginių turistams pasiūla ir paklausa Kauno mieste. Kauno miestas 2022 metais yra paskelbtas Europos kultūros sostine, todėl vertėtų jau dabar garsinti miesto vardą turistams, o pramoginių renginių organizavimas yra vienas iš būdų tai įgyvendinti. Teorinėje dalyje aptariama renginio samprata, klasifikavimas, pramoginio renginio sąvoka ir tipai bei ypatumai, renginių pasiūlą ir paklausą formuojantys veiksniai. Analitinėje dalyje pateikiama trumpa turizmo situacijos analizė, pramoginių renginių pasiūla Kauno mieste. Taip pat atliktas pasiūlos ir paklausos vertinimo tyrimas. Kadangi turistai yra vietiniai arba užsienio, atlikti tyrimai atskleidė jog pramoginių renginių vietiniams turistams Kauno mieste pasiūla yra pakankama, tačiau užsienio turistams ji yra per maža. Pagrindiniai pasiūlymai plėtoti pasiūlą ir vystyti paklausą būtų tokie – organizuoti pramoginius renginius su užsienio kalbų programomis, skelbti informaciją užsienio kalbomis apie renginius užsienio turistams prieinamuose sklaidos šaltiniuose. Darbą sudaro 52 puslapiai, 7 lentelės, 11 paveikslų, 37 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai, 5 priedai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Pramoginiai renginiai, turistai, pasiūla, paklausa en_US
dc.title Pramoginių renginių turistams pasiūla ir paklausa Kauno mieste en_US
dc.title.alternative Supply and demand of entertainment events for tourists in Kaunas city en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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