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Grūdinių augalų auginimo technologijų analizė ir šio verslo perspektyvų vertinimas ūkininkės Virginijos Matukynienės ūkyje

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dc.contributor.author Matukynas, Vytenis
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-04T09:09:30Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-04T09:09:30Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/623
dc.description The object of the research is Virginija Matukynienė Cultivation Farm. The purpose of the study was to analyze the production activity of the farmer Virginija Matukynienė grain mill and to evaluate the results obtained. Research tasks: 1. To provide an overview of the Lithuanian state of crop production. 2. To acquaint with the conditions and peculiarities of Marijampole region farming. 3. To carry out the analysis of the activity of the farmer V. Matukynienė grain farm and the economic evaluation of the results obtained. 4. To evaluate the possibilities of the farmer V. Matukynienė grain farm's future prospect. Research methods: analysis of scientific and professional literature, information gathering, data systematization. Statistical analysis, graphic representation. Visual multiple-analytical monitoring of works carried out on a crop farm on a production base, on fields, in a neighboring environment, data collection (interviewing), analysis and graphic representation. Research results: The first part of the work analyzes the development of crop production and its possibilities in Lithuania, the review of the market of crop products, the peculiarities of farming in Marijampole district farms and the characteristics of cultivation of cereals. In the second part of the work analyzed Virginija Matukynienė crop husbandry farm: soil characteristics, variety of cultivated plants, technical park composition, applied plant cultivation technologies. The third part analyzes the crop production activity, compares the results with the average indicators of neighboring farms and the Marijampole district. The main conclusion of the paper is that the farm is working in a cost-effective way, since gross profit, including direct payments, is sufficient, i.e. Winter wheat produced 653.61 Eur./ha, winter rape - 1160.12 Eur / ha and peas - 220.00 Eur./ha. Having evaluated the opportunities of the farmer V. Matukyniene's future grain production, it is probable that in favorable circumstances (increasing the area of arable land, picking fertile and more resistant breeds) and joining the grain cooperatives, it will continue to work successfully and become a full-fledged market participant. en
dc.description.abstract Analizuojamo ūkio grūdinių augalų technologijų įvertinimui panaudota ūkininkės teikiama informacija, vizualinis daugkartinis analitinis stebėjimo metodas ūkininkės gamybinėje bazėje, laukuose, kaimyninėje aplinkoje. Nemažai reikalingos informacinės medžiagos baigiamajam darbui rašyti buvo gauta diskutuojant su kaimyninio ūkio savininkais D.Isoda, J.Bekampiu, A.Žemaičiu bei Marijampolės rajono biuro augalininkystės konsultantais A. Černeliu ir R.Sinkevičiene. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Grūdiniai augalai, auginimo technologijos, ūkis, augalininkystė, fungicidai, herbicidai, pesticidai en_US
dc.title Grūdinių augalų auginimo technologijų analizė ir šio verslo perspektyvų vertinimas ūkininkės Virginijos Matukynienės ūkyje en_US
dc.title.alternative Analysis of cereal crop production technologies and evaluation of business perspectives on Virginija Matukynienė farm en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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