DSpace talpykla

Grūdinių augalų auginimo technologijų vertinimas Juozo Kareivos ūkyje

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dc.contributor.author Kudakaitė, Simona
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-04T08:50:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-04T08:50:39Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/619
dc.description Relevance of the topic. The crop farm is one of the most important agricultural sectors for generating high profits. Every year, more and more people are engaged in farming, but it is not enough to just engage in it, it needs to be learned. New techniques are coming to the market, and plant cultivation technologies are changing. This is also relevant for the Juozas soldier's farm, as more advanced equipment yields higher yields. Problem.Due to the lack of knowledge and the lack of new technology, there is less harvest, and farmers decide to change their area. Research object. Juozas Kareivas farm. In the final work I deal with the farmer Juozas Kareiva farm, which grows grain crops. The characteristics of the farm, the use of own land are analyzed, the technologies of cultivation of grain growing in the farm for 2015-2017 are reviewed, the yield is compared with other regional farmers and Lithuanian farms. The main problem of farmer Juozas Karayivas farm is that there is a lack of new farm machinery that would improve the efficiency of the work. The work consists of: the final work task, the list of tables and pictures, concepts, summary, introduction, object research methodology, scientific and professional literature about the technologies of cultivating cereals, overview of the research and results, conclusions, literature and other sources of information, and appendixes. During the research, the following methods were used: scientific literature, articles, books, research interviews: interviews with the farmer. Using these methods, it was concluded that peas are the most profitable on the farm, while the lowest summer wheat is decreasing each year by the farmer. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama ūkininko Juozo Kareivos ūkis, kuriame yra auginami grūdiniai augalai.Taip pat analizuojama ūkio charakteristika, nuosavos žemės panaudojimas, apžvelgiama 2015-2017 metų ūkyje auginamų grūdinių kultūrų auginimo technologijos, derlingumas, kuris lyginamas su kitais rajono ūkininkais bei Lietuvos ūkiais. Pagrindinė ūkininko Juozo Kareivos ūkio problema yra ta, kad trūksta naujos ūkio technikos, kuri pagerintų darbų našumą bei trūkumas daugiau žinių apie augalų auginimą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Grūdinių augalų auginimo technologijos, žemės ūkis, derlius, veislė, sėjomaina en_US
dc.title Grūdinių augalų auginimo technologijų vertinimas Juozo Kareivos ūkyje en_US
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of grain cultivation technologies on Juozas Kareiva farm en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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