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Kiaulių skerdenų kokybės rodiklių Lietuvos skerdyklose palyginamasis įvertinimas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Bukauskas, Tomas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-04T08:33:59Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-04T08:33:59Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-21
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/612
dc.description In the final work, the quality indicators of pig carcasses slaughtered in Lithuanian slaughterhouses are evaluated. These data are being evaluated in order to find out what is the national population of pigs. The survey data was collected from three Lithuanian slaughterhouses (Slaughterhouses A, B and C named in the work) that kill more than 200 pigs per week and therefore must classify slaughtered pig carcases. In evaluating pig carcasses, their muscularity and weight are taken into account most. The highest price is given to pig breeders who present to the slaughterhouses the highest quality lean pigs - this is class S lean meat according to the SEUROP class standard. The work analyzes 53585 units. quality carcasses of pig carcasses. Qualitative parameters of pig carcasses include the lean meat content of the carcasses, the thickness of the fat, the diameter and weight of the longest back muscle. These data were collected using the Fat-o-Meat'er S70 (FOM) carcass classification marker. The average thickness of pig carcasses was 17.57 mm in the investigated enterprises. Thinnest pig carcass buckthorns were found in the B abattoir, the thickest in the C slaughterhouse, respectively, 16.99 and 21.17 mm (P <0.001). In B, the thickness of pig carcasses was 3,30%. lower than the average for all companies. The average weight of pig carcasses was 82.66 kg. This indicator ranged from 82.40 kg to 83.90 kg. The maximum weight of pig carcasses was set at C in the slaughterhouse (83.90 kg), and the lowest in the B abattoir (82.40 kg). The B carcass weight of the slaughterhouse was 0.31%. lower, and C slaughterhouses - 1.5 percent. higher than the average weight of pig carcasses of all enterprises (P<0.001). Investigated enterprises 2016-2017m. even 73.04% pig carcasses were classified in the highest (S) lean meat class by SEUROP lean meat classes. In the B slaughterhouse, the average lean meat content of pig carcasses was 0.30%. higher, and C at the slaughterhouse - 1.63%. is lower compared to the average carcass porcine transmissivity index (P <0.001). The pigs slaughtered in the investigated plants have a high carcase quality because their lean meat content was 60.69%. The highest quality of pig carcasses was found in the B plant, where the thickness of pig carcasses was 16.99 mm (P <0.001), lean meat content was 60.87%. (P <0.001) en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe yra vertinama, Lietuvos skerdyklose paskerstos kiaulių skerdenų kokybiniai rodikliai. Šie duomenys vertinami, kad sužinotume, kokia yra šalies auginamų kiaulių populiacija. Tyrimo duomenys surinkti iš trijų Lietuvos skerdyklų (darbe įvardytos A, B ir C skerdyklos), kurios per savaitę skerdžia daugiau kaip 200 kiaulių, todėl privalo klasifikuoti paskerstas kiaulių skerdenas. Vertinant kiaulių skerdenas labiausiai atsižvelgiama į jų raumeningumą bei svorį. Didžiausia kaina gauna tie kiaulių augintojai, kurie skerdykloms pristato aukščiausios klasės raumeningumą atitinkančias kiaules - tai yra S klasė raumeningumas pagal SEUROP klasių standartą. Darbe analizuojami 53585 vnt. kiaulių skerdenų kokybiniai rodikliai. Į kiaulių skerdenų kokybinius rodiklius įeina skerdenų raumeningumas, lašinių storis, ilgiausiojo nugaros raumens diametras bei svoris. Šie duomenys surinkti naudojantis Fat-o-Meat’er S70 (FOM) skerdenų klasifikavimo matuokliu. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kiaulių skerdenos, skerdyklos, palyginamasis įvertinimas, veislė, skerdenos raumeningumas en_US
dc.title Kiaulių skerdenų kokybės rodiklių Lietuvos skerdyklose palyginamasis įvertinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Comparative assessment of pig carcase quality indicators in Lithuanian slaughterhouses en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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