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Rizikos veiksnių analizė ir jų valdymas jogurto gamyboje

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dc.contributor.author Valančauskaitė, Indrė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-04T07:19:45Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-04T07:19:45Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/598
dc.description Indrė Valančauskaitė. Hazard Analysis and their Management in Yoghurt Production. The final paper. Scientific adviser doc. dr. Ernesta Trečiokienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to analyze the risk factors and to provide their management in the production of yoghurt with lyophilized berries. The object of the paper: the production department of yoghurt with lyophilized berries. The structure of the paper: introduction, theoretical part, planning and realization of safe food products, descriptions of raw materials, constituents, and packaging materials, product description, the fow charts of the food technological processes, the analysis of food safety risk factors and application of their management tools, the plan of self-control food safety and quality research, planning of technological resources and infrastructure, financial and economic evaluation of the project, conclusions / recommendations and proposals, literature and other sources of information. The results of the paper. Literature review studies the improvement of yogurt in iron oxide and calcium phosphate nanoparticles. The following raw materials are used for the production of yoghurt: raw cow's milk, skim milk, concentrated milk proteins, lyophilized berries with chocolate, ferment (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus). Yogurt sensory, physicochemical and microbiological indicators are analyzed. The consistency of the yogurt is homogeneous, viscous, and cohesive (in a reservoir manner). The minimum milk protein content is 4,2 %. Enterobacteriaceum content from 1 / ml to 5 / ml, yeast content critical limit - ≤5,0 × 101 KVS/g; target limit <2,0 × 101 KVS/g. The flow diagram was selected: the acceptance of raw material at a temperature not higher than 10 oC, cooling to 6 oC, homogenization of 150 – 200 atm. pressure 55 – 60 oC, pasteurization at 96 ± 2 oC, tanning of mixture for 3,5 – 4 hours 39 to 43 oC, cooling of the mixture to 15 - 24 oC, packaging and labeling of the product, maturation 6 oC, 48 hours. Choose the most important control point is: CCP - 1B, CCP - 1C – milk reception. CCP-2B – pasteurization. The equipment that is needed for yoghurt production was selected: the pasteurizer occupied area 13,06 m2, homogenizer occupied area 1,63 m2, packer occupied area is 0,77 m2. The main checkpoints are yoghurt-tanning capacity, sour yogurt before and after chilling, during packaging. It was checked for the presence of yeast, mold fungi, coliform bacteria. The production efficiency per shift is 500 kg, 123500 kg per year will be produced, therefore after the performing of economic evaluation, the prime cost of the yoghurt with lyophilized berries is 2,58 Eur for 1 kilogram. The volume of the paper. The paper includes 54 pages, 12 tables, 2 illustrations, 33 literature sources and 1 appendixes. Keywords: yogurt, lyophilised berries, ferment, pasteurization. en
dc.description.abstract Išanalizuoti informaciniai šaltiniai apie jogurtą. Jogurto gamybai naudojamos šios žaliavos: žaliavinis pienas, koncentr. pieno baltymai, liofilizuotos uogos su šokoladu. Išnagrinėti jusliniai, fizikiniai – cheminiai ir mikrobiologiniai jogurto rodikliai. Parinkta srauto diagrama: žaliavos priėmimas ne aukštesnis kaip 10 oC temp., homogenizacija 150 – 200 atm. slėgiu, pasterizavimas 96 ± 2 oC, mišinio užrauginimas ir rauginimas 3,5 – 4 val., produkto fasavimas. Parinkti svarbiausi valdymo taškai: SVT – 1B, SVT - 1C – pieno priėmimas. SVT-2B – pasterizavimas. Parinkti jogurto gamybai reikalingi įrengimai: pasterizatoriaus, homogenizatorius. Pagrindiniai tikrinimo taškai yra jogurto rauginimo talpa, surūgęs jogurtas prieš ir po atšaldymo. Atlikus ekonominį įvertinimą jogurto savikaina yra 2,58 Eur už 1 kg en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Jogurtas, liofilizuotos uogos, raugai, pasterizacija en_US
dc.title Rizikos veiksnių analizė ir jų valdymas jogurto gamyboje en_US
dc.title.alternative Hazard Analysis and their Management in Yoghurt Production en
dc.type Other en_US

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