DSpace talpykla

Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys teikiant socialines paslaugas smurto artimoje aplinkoje aukoms

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dc.contributor.author Gliksmanavičienė, Reda
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-01T09:01:24Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-01T09:01:24Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-20
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/564
dc.description Reda Gliksmanavičienė (2018). Professional BA thesis. The role of a social worker in providing social services to victims of domestic violence. Supervisor Dr. Daiva Bubelienė. Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health Care, Department of Social Work. Domestic violence is considered as a violation of human rights that affects the physical, mental and social well-being of the victim and her family, therefore the violence prevention and assistance to victims are very important. Social workers are the main providers of social services to victims of domestic violence. A social worker, takes different roles in providing social services, working in collaboration with other specialists and organizations. Only good understanding of the limits of his/her competence and the roles involved, a social worker can professionally organize the work. The main problem of the research of the thesis is identification of the roles of the social worker in providing assistance to victims of domestic violence. The aim of the research - to disclose the role of a social worker in providing services to victims of domestic violence. Objectives of the thesis: to define main theoretical aspects of domestic violence; describe the peculiarities of social work and the role of a social worker in providing social services to victims of domestic violence; to evaluate the results of the research and analyse the roles of a social worker. The methodology used in the work is the analysis, systematization and synthesis of scientific literature and legislation, semi-structured interviews. The research concludes that social workers periodically faces cases with victims of domestic violence. They apply different methods depending on the specifics of the case. The most widely used method is counseling. The main services provided are counseling and provision of information. The most commonly roles performed of social worker are: an advisor/ counselor and controller, as well roles of an advocate/counselor, partner/ friend. Police and Institutions of the protection of the child rights are the main partners of the social workers in this process. Cooperation with non-governmental organizations is also well appreciated. Social workers have insufficient competence to recognize/identify domestic violence at an early stage. Although there is sufficient amount of visual information on aid options to victims of domestic violence. There is also lack of material resources for successful assistance to victims of domestic violence. Social workers are not sufficiently motivated for their achievements. en
dc.description.abstract Smurtas artimoje aplinkoje yra žmogaus teisių pažeidimas, kuris žaloja fizinę, psichinę ir socialinę smurto aukos bei jos šeimos gerovę, todėl smurto prevencija bei pagalba yra labai svarbi. Pagrindiniai socialinių paslaugų teikėjai smurto aukoms yra socialiniai darbuotojai. Socialinis darbuotojas, teikdamas socialines paslaugas, dirbdamas kartu su kitais specialistais bei organizacijomis, prisiima tam tikrus vaidmenis. Tik gerai suvokdamas savo kompetencijos ribas, prisiimamus vaidmenis, socialinis darbuotojas gali profesionaliai organizuoti savo darbą en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Smurtas, artima aplinka, smurtą artimoje aplinkoje patyręs asmuo, smurto prevencija, socialinis darbuotojas, socialinės paslaugos, bendrosios socialinės paslaugos en_US
dc.title Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys teikiant socialines paslaugas smurto artimoje aplinkoje aukoms en_US
dc.title.alternative Roles of a Social Worker while Providing Social Services to Victims of Domestic Violence en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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