DSpace talpykla

Pacientų nuomonė apie breketus ir ortodontines kapas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Baranauskaitė, Žymantė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-31T08:04:16Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-31T08:04:16Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/498
dc.description Žymantė Baranauskaitė, Patients opinion about braces and thermoplastic aligners; undergraduate thesis / scientific director Aušra Kepenė, Kaunas College of Medicine Faculty of Oral and Dental Care Department, Dental Care Study Program – Kaunas, 2018. The aim: To reveal the young age of the patient, the thermoplastic aligners of wearing braces and orthodontics with the opinion of the medical treatment. Objectives of the study: 1. To discuss the orthodontic treatment indications and measures,stages. 2. To reveal patient abnormalities, their effects on oral health and oral hygiene. 3. Set up an opinion on the orthodontic treatment, of wearing braces and thermoplastic aligners. Research - subjects in the study participated in 100 private dental clinics in the city of Kaunas 14-18 year old teens. Respondents were chosen randomly. Methods: : A questionnaire-based survey was carried out in the city of Kaunas, randomly selected private dental clinics and disseminated over the Internet. A questionnaire has been submitted 20 questions. The questionnaire was anonymous, the responses provide a general. The data collected and processed by „Microsoft Exsel program 2007“. Result: After analysing the results of the survey we can conclude that 79 percent of young age patients are choosing orthodontic device – braces. Only 11% of the met a person who is less common and is often used in orthodontic device near the thermoplastic aligners. Most of the results indicate that teenagers are happy with the choice of device, maintain it, and visit the orthodontist's doctor. Every semester it comes to the dental hygienist. Understands your teeth problem, but with good motivation they are moving towards good results. Conclusions: The questionnaire survey revealed that the majority of teens prefer time to leverage and ensure good results in orthodontic devices. Very different characteristics, and in particular on the braces and orthodontics in the thermoplastic aligners. en
dc.description.abstract Jauno amžiaus pacientų, nešiojančių breketus ir ortodontines kapas nuomonė į ortodontinį gydymą. Ortodontinio gydymo indikacijos ir jos priemonės, etapai. Pacientų sąkandžio anomalijos, jų poveikis burnos sveikatai ir burnos higienai. Pacientų nuomonė apie ortodontinį gydymą, nešiojant breketus ir ortodontines kapas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Ortodontinis gydymas, periodonto ligos, sąkandis, burnos ertmė, breketai en_US
dc.title Pacientų nuomonė apie breketus ir ortodontines kapas en_US
dc.title.alternative Patients opinion about braces and thermoplastic aligners en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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