DSpace talpykla

UAB ,,DataBank“ kompiuterių tinklo projektas

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dc.contributor.author Žvaliauskas, Marius
dc.date.accessioned 2021-07-28T14:04:57Z
dc.date.available 2021-07-28T14:04:57Z
dc.date.issued 2021-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/4860
dc.description Computing Network has always been one of the most important aspects in theses days businesses. The inline computing systems are so important that without computing network most business could not run their operations smoothly and efficiently. Nonetheless most companies tries to leverage their systems efficiency against other companies systems to get that ledge which would put the company a step ahead. Properly set up and fast computing network lets the company to trade information between the colleagues and different departments, safely store and retrieve information from the cloud systems or lan servers. Fast and efficient system lets the work to be done faster and spend less time communicating between peers and different technological solutions that are implemented up in the business. On this dissertation I will be showing an example of me creating an network system for up and coming company which starts from complete zero. The project will be separated to different phases I will begin with analytic phase in which I will analyze the technological solutions what will be used on this project. On the next step I will design and choose the networks system , software and hardware solutions. The choice for the system will be made by choosing the one that fits the companies given criteria’s and would provide stabile systems . The work would continue with systems logical network topology and proper configuration which should provide stability and consistency up in the systems operation. Next step is to make sure every part of the computing network has been tested and stress tested to make sure it will handle optimal and maximum amount of load. If there are any possible bugs or/and connectivity issues make sure they have been resolved and a log has been made so the future repair work would be smoother and faster. After the systems testing has been finished the next step would be to do accounting and other economical calculations to calculate how much time and effort has been spent creating this computing network. Not only the personal expenses will be calculated. The follow up for all the costs for hardware and software to create this system has to be calculated. At the end the whole projects cost including personal labor and cost of goods have to be accounted for. After all are done the customer will have a computing network that will provide online computing network that will help the company be efficient and more competitive among other businesses. en_US
dc.description.abstract Kompiuterinis tinklas – bene svarbiausias dalykas įmonėms šiame informaciniame amžiuje. Šiais laikais, įmonė, be kompiuterinio tinklo sunkiai išsilaikytu, galėtų konkuruoti su kitomis įmonėmis kurios jau naudojasi kompiuteriniu tinklu. Jis ženkliai pagerina įmonės darbo našumą. Kompiuterinis tinklas padeda keistis įvairia informacija, padeda patikimai talpinti, saugoti, archyvuoti failus ir duomenis, leidžia naudotis spausdintuvais ir kitais periferiniais įrenginiais. Šiame baigiamajame darbe bus projektuojamas tinklas įmonei, kuri kuriasi naujoje vietoje. Analitinėje dalyje bus analizuojamos įvairios technologijos susijusios su tinklais. Šio darbo projektinėje dalyje bus parenkama tinkama tinklo įranga bei technologijos kurios užtikrins stabilų tinklo veikimą, bus projektuojama loginė tinklo topologija, bus atlikta to tinklo konfigūracija. Atlikus projektinę dalį bus atliekamas tinklo testavimas – eksperimentinė dalis, bus tikrinama ar įrenginiai tinkle gali komunikuoti vienas su kitu. Po eksperimentinės dalies bus atliekami projekto ekonominiai skaičiavimai. Apskaičiuojama kokie žingsniai ir kiek dienų užtruko, kiek valandų buvo pradirbta prie kiekvieno darbo. Taip pat bus apskaičiuojama kiekvieno tinklo įrenginio kaina ir kiek kainuotų viskas bendrai sudėjus. Galiausiai bus apskaičiuota viso projekto sąmata. Viską atlikus bus gaunamas rezultatas – veikiantis laidinis ir belaidis tinklas naujose įmonės patalpose. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Tinklo projektas, tinklas, projektas, kompiuterių, UAB en_US
dc.title UAB ,,DataBank“ kompiuterių tinklo projektas en_US
dc.title.alternative JSC ,, DataBank “ Computer Network Project en_US
dc.type other en_US

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