DSpace talpykla

Kauno Kolegijos „Electrolan“ kompiuterių tinklas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Stankevičius, Gediminas
dc.date.accessioned 2021-07-28T10:32:59Z
dc.date.available 2021-07-28T10:32:59Z
dc.date.issued 2021-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/4852
dc.description The purpose of this project is to create and implement a network in Kaunas college that could be used for e-sports and similar events, with around 100 attendees. At the moment Kaunas college has no network ready to host e-sports matches and tournaments. That being said, various e-sports events are becoming increasingly popular. Newer generations are even more likely to take an interest in e-sports rather than traditional sports. Organizing these kinds of events would increase the likelihood of potential students becoming interested in the university or in certain degrees being offered. In addition to that, it would also help spread the name of the university while also improving people's opinion of it. Kaunas college has enough network equipment needed for this kind of network. The equipment is usually only used for bachelor’s degree projects or to help students get to know how the equipment works. Using the network devices for e-sports events would be rather simple since it is only used rarely. That being said, guaranteeing a stable network at the events for that many people requires certain preparations. The layout and configuration of the network devices was done in a way to guarantee as much network bandwidth as possible. The devices have been configured in a way that creates a network less prone to various network disturbances. A QoS (Quality of Service) configuration was created to prioritize certain traffic on the network. Various network vulnerabilities were also addressed. The chances of the vulnerabilities being exploited have been minimized by certain device configurations. The network was also equipped with the ability to remotely manage all of the network devices, which can be very useful during events. A cache server was also created. This server helps minimize the possibility of a reduced internet connection with remote networks. The server automatically downloads the games that event users are trying to download at the events. Once the server has downloaded the game, it serves them to the event attendees locally when requested. en_US
dc.description.abstract Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra suprojektuoti Kauno Kolegijoje e. sportui ir panašaus pobūdžio veikloms skirtą kompiuterinį tinklą, galintį palaikyti iki 100 įrenginių. Kauno Kolegija šiuo mentu neturi jokio tinklo skirto rengti e. sporto rungtynes ar turnyrus. Vis dėl to kolegijoje yra pakankamai tinklo įrangos reikiamos tokiam tinklui sudaryti. Ši įranga paprastai naudojama studentų baigiamiesiems darbams įgyvendinti ir susipažinimui su tinklo įranga. Tačiau, norint užtikrinti stabilų tinklą tokio pobūdžio renginiuose, tokiam kiekiui žmonių, reikia atitinkamai paruošti tinklo įrangą. Tinklo įrangos sudėliojimas ir konfigūracija buvo atlikta siekiant užtikrinti kiek įmanoma didesnį tinklo pranašumą. Įrenginiai konfigūruoti, kad galėtų būti kiek įmanoma atsparesni trikdžiams. Sudaryta QoS konfigūracija leidžianti prioretizuoti tam tinkamą tinklo veiklą. Taip pat atsižvelgta į galimus saugumo pažeidimus. Įvairių konfigūracijų dėka pažeidimų tikimybė sumažinta. Tinklo įranga paruošta nuotoliniu valdymui, kurio renginių metu gali prireikti. Taip pat sukurtas ir paruoštas kešo serveris. Serveris sumažina tikimybę, jog ryšys su išorės tinklu pradės prastėti. Serveris automatiškai atsisiunčia renginiuose tinklo vartotojų siunčiamus elektroninius žaidimus iš išorės tinklo ir talpina juos vidiniame tinkle. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject e. sportas, kompiuterių tinklas, kešo serveris en_US
dc.title Kauno Kolegijos „Electrolan“ kompiuterių tinklas en_US
dc.title.alternative Kaunas College "Electrolan" computer network en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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