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Obelų auginimo technologijos vertinimas UAB "Aukštikalnių sodai"

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dc.contributor.author Janušonis, Jokūbas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-30T13:42:13Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-30T13:42:13Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/483
dc.description My graduation thesis main object was apple growing technology. The main purpose of this work was to examine apple growing technologies which are applied on the farm and submit this technology optimization recommendations. In the recent years the total apple yield in Lithuania has not satisfied the demand of the country. Neither the quantity or the quality has competed in the market with Polish or other countries products. It shows that this topic is relevant today. The technology behind apple farming is always progressing and scientists are constantly searching for new ways to improve it. The most efficient way to farm apples is not known at the moment and there is a problem on which way is the most efficient to use. For the bachelor degree thesis literary sources related with the theme have been analysed. There were analysed which apple farming technologies are used in Lithuania. The main target of the analysis was the company UAB „Aukštikalnių sodai“ Ltd., technologies used for growing apples in Pasvalys and the results. The thesis was done <...>. The documents of the production from UAB „Aukštikalnių sodai“ Ltd. were used for this task. The thesis consists of 43 pages 7 charts and 16 pictures. There are 4 chapters, conclusions and recommendations. In chapter 1 there are rating methods. In chapter 2 scientific and practical sources are analysed, there are 8 sources in total. This chapter consists of 4 parts. There is the discussion of the state of industrial gardening in Lithuania, the conditions for developing organic gardening, the technology for growing apples is analysed. The analysis of apple growing technologies concentrates on apple breeds, rootstocks, garden quality, preparation of soil, sapling planting. Chapter 3 focuses on analysis. It consists of 4 parts, description of the farm, material and human resources, the rating of technology used for apple tree growing and the risks of the farm. In chapter 3 it is mostly focused on part 3, the rating of technology used in growing apple trees. The plots for certain apple breeds, rootstocks and variety are considered. There is info about the maintenance of the apple garden and the yield. There is also info about diseases and pests of the trees. The choice of the growth of a certain breed and its resistance to diseases is highlighted, it is important to the industrial and the ecological aspect. It is very important to collect info about prevention against pests. It is important to eradicate them in their most vulnerable state. The apple garden „Aukštikalnių sodai“ performs research about pests and predicts their vulnerabilities. Another aspect which is important is the protection of the tree and it is considered in the thesis. In this thesis there is also focused on the nutrition of the trees. The methods in which it is possible to identify the lack of NPK in trees are described. There is also some information about the fertilization of the trees. At the end there are conclusions and recommendations. There are also literary sources. en
dc.description.abstract Šio diplominio darbo objektas - tai obelų auginimo technologija. Darbo tikslas įvertinti obelų auginimo technologijas taikomas ūkyje, pateikti technologijos optimizavimo rekomendacijas. Per pastaruosius kelerius metus išsaugotas obuolių kiekis Lietuvoje netenkino šalies poreikių. Išauginta produkcija, nei kokybe nei kiekybe nekonkuravo su Lenkijoje ir kitose šalyse išauginta produkcija. Tai rodo, jog ši tema yra aktuali nūdienai. Obelų auginimo technologijos nuolat kinta, mokslininkai pateikia daug įvairių rekomendacijų. Šiuo metu nėra įvardyta optimaliausią auginimo technologija ir todėl iškyla optimizavimo galimybių problema. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Obelų auginimas, technologija, augalų apsauga, kultūriniai augalai, mulčiavimas, sodininkystė en_US
dc.title Obelų auginimo technologijos vertinimas UAB "Aukštikalnių sodai" en_US
dc.title.alternative Apple-tree cultivation technologies at the UAB Aukštikalnių sodai en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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