DSpace talpykla

Tuberkulioze sergančių asmenų požiūris į individualią burnos higieną ir ligos sukeltus pakitimus burnoje

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dc.contributor.author Veličkaitė, Živilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-25T09:24:30Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-25T09:24:30Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/429
dc.description Relevance: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The incidence of respiratory tuberculosis in Lithuania is one of the largest in Europe. The goal of the WHO is to make 95% reduce the incidence of TB deaths. The main ways to ensure the goals are early diagnosis, treatment and prevention for all TB patients. Objective: To reveal the opinion of people with tuberculosis towards individual oral hygiene and disease-induced changes in the mouth. Tasks: 1. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of tuberculosis. 2. Describe tuberculosis-related damage to the oral cavity. 3. To reveal the opinion of people with tuberculosis towards individual oral hygiene, based on their opinion. 4. To reveal the opinion of patients with tuberculosis in the development of disease in the mouth, according to their opinion. Research methodology and contingent: The questionnaire survey was conducted from December 1, 2017 to February 1, 2018. Patients undergoing treatment were interviewed at 92 Hospital of Romainiai Tuberculosis Hospital, Kaunas Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital. Results and Conclusions: According to the observed changes in the oral cavity, the subjects were distributed as follows: 60.87%. did not notice any changes, 6.52% found wounds, 6.52% - ulcers, 4.35% - saliva changes, 15.22% - bleeding gums, and 6.52% - gingival inflammation. Respondents in terms of individual oral hygiene, by gender: 46.94% women and 34.88% men's - oral hygiene is very important. 7% men argue that this procedure is irrelevant. Opinions on this issue were not 33.12%. for men and 28.57% for women. The damage to the oral cavity in people with tuberculosis is rarely seen, painless, usually untreated or self-treated. In the opinion of tuberculosis patients, individual oral hygiene is not very important, and most patients report having a good oral care or not paying much attention to their oral health. en
dc.description.abstract Tuberkuliozės etiologija, patogenezė ir gydymas. Tuberkuliozės sukeliami pažeidimai burnos ertmėje. Tuberkulioze sergančiųjų požiūris į individualią burnos higieną, remiantis jų nuomone. Tuberkulioze sergančiųjų požiūris į ligos sukeltus pakitimus burnoje, remiantis jų nuomone. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Tuberkuliozė, burnos higiena en_US
dc.title Tuberkulioze sergančių asmenų požiūris į individualią burnos higieną ir ligos sukeltus pakitimus burnoje en_US
dc.title.alternative The Opinion of People with Tuberculosis Towards Individual Oral Hygiene and Disease-Induced Changes in the Mouth en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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