DSpace talpykla

Tėvų požiūris į vaikų dantų ėduonies gydymą su sedacija

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dc.contributor.author Vasiliauskienė, Asta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-24T12:00:55Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-24T12:00:55Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/414
dc.description Tooth decay is the most commonly occurring disease in the world, rarely life-threatening, but poses an expensive treatment and causes children. Without teeth, the most common diseases develop - caries and periodontitis, which leads to fear of dental treatment. When a child is afraid to treat her teeth and refuses to treat them in the usual way, because of the sound of a drill, pain, fear of the procedure themselves, behavioral modification or medical methods of fear reduction (sedation) are commonly used for treatment. Purpose of the study: to reveal the parental attitude to the treatment of children with dental caries with sedation. Research tasks: 1. Ask the cause of fear for children's dental procedures and non-documented methods for reducing fear. 2. Reveal the causes of pediatric treatment with sedation. 3. To reveal the parents' knowledge and opinion about the methods of reducing the fear of dental treatment of children and the causes of sedation. Research methods: 1. Scientific literature analysis. 2. Quantitative research, questionnaire survey. 3. Statistical analysis of data. The study was conducted in Kaunas. Parents whose children were treated at the Kaunas City Polyclinic were questioned. Quantitative research method used, method of data collection - questionnaire. 51 respondents were interviewed, all filled-in questionnaires were returned. Statistical analysis was performed in the SPSS 23.0 program package and the MS Ecxel program. The causes of the fear of dental procedures were disclosed and the parents' knowledge about the non-medical methods of fear reduction and the reasons for sedation was disclosed. It has been determined that parents with higher education are aware of more non-documented methods of reducing fear. The study found that the cause of sedation was the fear of dental treatment, men marked the "small age of the child" more significantly, younger parents believe that sedation therapy is chosen because of the "lack of cooperation of the child with the doctor". Almost all respondents acknowledge that fear of treating teeth can be learned from family members and more than half of the respondents' children are reluctant to reduce the dental treatment of teeth, to choose sedation therapy. The positive attitude of parents towards this method of reducing fear has been revealed, it has been found that the respondents think it is safe and that the parents choose this method to prevent the child from stress and pain during the treatment of dentistry. en
dc.description.abstract Tėvų požiūris į vaikų dantų ėduonies gydymą su sedacija. Vaikų odontologinių procedūrų baimių priežastys ir nemedikamentiniai baimės mažinimo metodai. Vaikų gydymo su sedacija priežastys. Tėvų žinios ir nuomonės apie vaikų dantų gydymo baimės mažinimo metodus ir sedacijos taikymo priežastis. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject sedacija, vaikų dantys, baimių priežastys en_US
dc.title Tėvų požiūris į vaikų dantų ėduonies gydymą su sedacija en_US
dc.title.alternative Parents’ Attitude towards Dental Decay Treatment using Sedation en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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