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Moterų subjektyvios nuomonės apie jų veido odos būklę ir objektyvaus įvertinimo palyginimas

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dc.contributor.author Navikaitė, Karolina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-24T11:50:17Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-24T11:50:17Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/411
dc.description Facial skin is one of the main features of human physical appearance. Its poor condition and various diseases can reduce self-confidence. Negative changes in skin occur due to its impaired structures that are responsible for moisture content, function of sebaceous glands and elasticity. This is strongly influenced by inappropriate use of skincare products and a combination of external and internal factors. Nowadays, selection of skin care products is extremely wide, and in order to choose right, it's important for people to know their skin type and condition, as well as ingredients that should be seeked and the ones that should be avoided according to their individual skin needs. Failure to do so may lead to various adverse changes in the skin. In this work I will attempt to find out how much knowledge do women have about their skin - whether they are able to determine their skin type and condition and if they are taking a proper care of it. Based on the results of an in-depth skin analysis using a diagnostic device and my own findings, I will draw and present conclusions about each woman's facial skin. I will also give them advice on a proper skin care routine and recommend products as well as specific ingredients which would benefit their skin the most. Research problem. Do women objectively evaluate the condition of their facial skin? Research purpose. To compare women's subjective opinion about their facial skin condition with the results of skin analysis using a diagnostic device. Research tasks: 1. Theoretically explain the physiology of woman's skin, the changes in its condition and their causes. 2. Describe skin care ingredients best suited to treat specific skin conditions. 3. Explain the measuring principles of skin analysis tools. 4. Compare womens opinion on their facial skin condition with the measurements of „Skin Analyzer Soft plus“ diagnostic device and present conclusions of the findings. Research object. A comparison of women‘s subjective opinions about their facial skin condition with the results of skin analysis using a diagnostic device. Research characteristics. The aim of this work is to investigate the function of mechanisms within the skin that are responsible for changes in its condition: maintaining moisture, the functioning of the sebaceous glands and skin elasticity. Moreover, to evaluate women‘s knowledge about their skin - whether they are able to determine its type and use the right skin care products. Each woman's skin condition was evaluated based on the diagnostic device measurements and they were given recommendations about the most suitable skin care products for home use. Research results. After comparing women‘s subjective opinions about their skin condition with the results of skin analysis using a diagnostic device „Skin Analyzer Soft Plus“, it was observed that 70% of subjects' perceptions about their skin moisture corresponded to the results of skin analysis, about sebum - 74%, and elasticity - only 40%. 58% of women correctly determined their skin type. It often occured that women thought they have a combination or dry type of skin, but were diagnosed with a dehydrated skin condition instead. Conclusions 1. Skin condition can be evaluated based on three important criteria: skin moisture, function of the sebaceous glands and elasticity. Changes in these parameters are influenced by various external and internal factors. A decrease in skin‘s moisture can make it rough and irritated. Signs of changes in the function of the sebaceous glands include enlarged pores, shiny skin, inflammatory rashes and dry skin. Changes in the structure of skin‘s elastic fibers or glycosaminoglycans cause a decrease in its elasticity. 2. Various skin care ingredients, such as hygroscopic substances, epidermal lipid analogues, AHA and BHA exfoliants, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants and enzymes can help restore a healthy skin condition, thus improving the appearance of the skin. 3. Skin moisture, the activity of its sebaceous glands and elasticity can be evaluated by performing a skin analysis supported by modern electronic skin analyzing devices, the principles of which are based on corneometry, sebumetry and cutometry. 4. After reviewing and comparing the women's perceptions of their facial skin parameters with the measurements provided by the diagnostic device „Skin Analyzer Soft Plus“, it was observed that a considerable amount of women, slightly less than half, incorrectly assessed individual facial skin parameters. The research also revealed that almost half of the subjects did not know how elastic their facial skin is. Reduced elasticity is one of the main signs of skin aging, thus inability to identify it indicates women's significant lack of knowledge about their skin, which is a big barrier to preserving a beautiful and youthful skin. Only a little more than a half of women correctly identified their skin type - a considerable portion classified their skin as dry or combination type, but in fact it was suffering from dehydration, which is a skin condition, not type. en
dc.description.abstract Šiame darbe siekta išnagrinėti drėgmės palaikymo, riebalinių liaukų veiklos bei odos elastingumo struktūrų bei mechanizmų veikimą, kuriems sutrikus vystosi pakitusi odos būklė. Nustatyta, kiek moterys žino apie savo odą – ar priskiria ją tam tikram tipui ir ar naudoja tinkamas priemones jos priežiūrai. Naudojant aparatinę diagnostiką darbe aptarta kiekvienos moters veido odos būklė, rekomenduotos odos priežiūros priemonės naudojimui namuose. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Odos hidratacija, dehidracija, riebalinės liaukos, riebalai, odos elastingumas, senėjimas, fermentai, antioksidantai, baltymai, vitaminai en_US
dc.title Moterų subjektyvios nuomonės apie jų veido odos būklę ir objektyvaus įvertinimo palyginimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Comparison of Women's Subjective Opinion about Their Facial Skin Condition and Objective Evaluation en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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