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1764-1767 m. Nukryžiuotojo kryžiaus iš Kauno Šv. Jurgio kankinio bažnyčios restauravimas

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dc.contributor.author Dobilas, Martynas
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-20T12:27:44Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-20T12:27:44Z
dc.date.issued 2020-07-09
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/4042
dc.description The cross belongs to Kaunas St. George's Martyr's Church. The exact time of manufacture and the author is unknown but it is believed that the cross and the altar in which this cross was originally hung were made after 1764-1767., bucause this altar is designed by the same architect and maste ras the installation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The cross is made of pine wood, veneered with ash wood tables. The object due to poor condition was passed to presserve and restore. The purpose of the final work is to preserve and restore the cross, to return the aesthetic look. The plywood on the cross is partially detached, a significant part of them is lost. Some plywood were nailed to the croos during previous restoration. Surface coating in places is peeled off, coverd with dirt, yellow paint residue are visible. The wood of INRI table in places is demaged, cracked, polychromia is crumbling, in places detached from the wood. To achieve the purpose of the work, theoretical analysis, visual and laboratory studies were carried out. A coherent programme of restoration work has been established. Preservation and restoration work carried out using materials with reversing properties. Documentation of work was prepared. en_US
dc.description.abstract Kryžius priklauso Kauno Šv. Jurgio kankinio bažnyčiai. Tikslus pagaminimo laikas ir autorius nėra žinomi, bet manoma, kad kryžius ir altorius, kuriame originaliai kabėjo šis kryžius, buvo pagaminti po 1764- 1767 m., kadangi šis altorius yra sukurtas to paties architekto ir meistrų kaip ir Švč. Mergelės Marijos Nekaltojo Prasidėjimo altorius. Kryžius pagamintas iš pušies medienos, faneruotas uosio medienos lentelėmis. Objektas dėl prastos būklės yra perduotas konservuoti-restauruoti. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – konservuoti ir restauruoti kryžių, grąžinti estetinį, ekspozicinį vaizdą. Siekiant darbo tikslo, buvo atlikta teorinės medžiagos analizė, vizualūs ir laboratoriniai tyrimai. Sudaryta nuosekli restauravimo darbų programa. Atlikti konservavimo ir restauravimo darbai, naudojant grįžtamąsias savybes turinčias medžiagas. Parengta eksponato dokumentacija. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject kryžius, konservavimas, restauravimas, laboratoriniai tyrimai en_US
dc.title 1764-1767 m. Nukryžiuotojo kryžiaus iš Kauno Šv. Jurgio kankinio bažnyčios restauravimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Restoration of the 1764-1767 Cross of the Crucified from Kaunas St. George the Martyr Church en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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