DSpace talpykla

Adaptacija ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje. Berniukų ir mergaičių adaptacijos skirtumai ir panašumai.

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dc.contributor.author Garliauskaitė, Agnė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T12:28:55Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T12:28:55Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/380
dc.description Topic relevance and novelty. According to Y. Gunindi (2013), during the pre-school age period it is very important, that the child would develop and gain his social adaptation. According to J. Bortkevičienė (2017), how and when the kid will adapt in pre-school institution, it mainly depends on the parents and their efforts. As claimed by M. Blank-Mathieu (2003), girls and boys behave differently, therefore as we look carefully we can see solid differences. Knowing sex difference in various situations, we have to assume, that boys as well as girls have differences in adaptation process. Research problem – What affects boys and girls good relationship in new collective? Research object – Boys and girls adaptation differences and similarities in pre-school education institution. Research purpose – To reveal boys and girls adaptation differences and similarities in pre-school education institution. Summary tasks: 1. Theoretically justify boys and girls adaptations differences and similarities in pre-school education institution. 2. To perform quantitive, chartered research:questionnaire in writing and result presentation 3. Based on results of the research, to plan and realize educational project, also to submit the recommendations for educators, given on how to connect the children to united community and to stimulate friendly relationship. CONCLUSIONS. 1. Adaptation is identified as human adjustment to changing or new living conditions. For person adaptation is necessary in order to survive. Human as a social living being is divided into sexes. Boys and girls are different based on genetical and physiological aspects. Social and biological factors may work differently or have different influence. 2. Research results analysis showed that girls have advantage during the adaptation process. Girls are going through easier and faster results in this period. Speaking about similarities in adaptation process, it has been found that, the child sex does not have impact for stress, fear, tension which kids are experiencing through the adaptation process. 3. Executing educational project “Mylėk draugą”, the aim was to promote warm feelings among the children, teaching to share tools and items, also, the aim was to stimulate children to communicate. During the project it started to show up improved relationship between boys and girls, boys became more gentle to the girls. en
dc.description.abstract Temos aktualumas ir naujumas. Pasak Y. Gunindi (2013), ikimokyklinio amžiaus laikotarpiu labai svarbu, kad vaikas plėtotų socialinį prisitaikymą ir įgytų socialinę adaptaciją. Anot J. Bortkevičienės (2017), kaip ir kada vaikas adaptuosis ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje daugiausiai priklauso nuo tėvų ir jų pastangų. Kaip tvirtina M. Blank-Mathieu (2003), Mergaitės ir berniukai elgiasi skirtingai, todėl atidžiau pažiūrėję matysime svarius skirtumus. Žinant lyčių skirtumą įvairių situacijų reagavime galima daryti prielaidą, kad tiek berniukai, tiek mergaitės turi skirtumų adaptacijos procese. Tyrimo problema – Kas sąlygoja gerus berniukų ir mergaičių santykius naujame kolektyve? Tyrimo objektas - Berniukų ir mergaičių adaptacijos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje skirtumai ir panašumai. Tyrimo tikslas - Atskleisti berniukų ir mergaičių adaptacijos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje skirtumus ir panašumus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Teoriškai pagrįsti berniukų ir mergaičių adaptacijos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje skirtumus ir panašumus. 2. Atlikti kiekybinį, užsakomąjį tyrimą: anketa raštu ir pristatyti rezultatus. 3. Tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu suplanuoti ir realizuoti edukologinį projektą bei pateikti rekomendacijas pedagogams, kaip vaikus sujungti į vieningą bendruomenę ir skatinti draugiškus santykius. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Adaptacija, skirtumai, panašumai en_US
dc.title Adaptacija ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje. Berniukų ir mergaičių adaptacijos skirtumai ir panašumai. en_US
dc.title.alternative Adaptation in pre-school institution. Boys and girls’ adaptation differences and similarities. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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