DSpace talpykla

UAB „Alfa“ mokymo tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Basagirskaitė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T12:22:33Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T12:22:33Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/376
dc.description Solvency of company is important not only for that company, but also for its creditors, banks and other institutions, whose has some business with that company. Neither creditor won’t want to lend to companies, who have poor story of solvency, because it’s just a huge risk not to get back all depts. Liquidity is no less important companies performance indicator than solvency. Also with liquidity and solvency indicators is possible to decide, which debts aren’t important to company and just make financial problems. Failure to comply its commitments a company in the end become insolvent, and insolvency are one of the reasons of bankruptcy. The main problem of the professional BA thesis - companies ability to comply its long term and short term commitments on time. Ability to use borrowed assets is also associate with main problem, and company assets’ dependency on depts – it means which part long term and short term depts form in all assets. The aim of the professional BA thesis - To do the solvency research of UAB “Alfa”. Objectives of the professional BA thesis: To do theoretical substantiate business companies solvency (insolvency) research’s directions and analysis methods; to do analysis of UAB “Alfa” short term and long term solvency; to do analysis of UAB “Alfa” solvency indicators and models of probability of bankruptcy; to do UAB “Alfa” modelling of future solvency indicators in year 2018. Methods of the research professional BA thesis – analysis of: literature sources, companies financial statements, and financial indicators. Also graphic portrayal of data, EXCEL calculator customization. The structure – In the theoretical part is various authors’ reasonable theoretical conception of solvency, insolvency and bankruptcy. In the practical part are presented and analysed solvency and probability of bankruptcy indicators. Summed up received data of analysis and measured companies solvency, and also probability of companies bankruptcy. Summed up, analysed UAB “Alfa” doesn’t have very meaningful problems with short term debts, but is absolutely opposite situation with long term debts, because calculated indicators are pretty poor or just satisfied. One of the main suggestions for company – carefully think about every dept, which was taken because number of depts at some years are so huge, that is hard to logical explanation why those depts were taken. en
dc.description.abstract Įmonės mokumas yra svarbus ne tik pačiai įmonei, tačiau ir jos kreditoriams, bankams bei kitoms institucijoms, kurios turi reikalų su šia įmone. Nei vienas kreditorius nenorės skolinti toms įmonėms, kurių mokumo istorija yra prasta, kadangi tai yra didžiulė rizika neatgauti visų skolų. Likvidumas yra ne ką mažiau svarbesnis įmonės veiklos rodiklis už mokumą. Taip pat likvidumo ir mokumo rodikliai padeda nuspręsti, kurios skolos nėra reikalingos įmonei ir tiesiog sukelia finansinių problemų. Neįvykdydama savo įsipareigojimų įmonė galiausiai tampa nemoki, o nemokumas yra viena iš bankroto priežasčių. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Mokumas, likvidumas, bankrotas, tyrimas en_US
dc.title UAB „Alfa“ mokymo tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Research of solvency of the UAB Alfa en
dc.type Other en_US

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