DSpace talpykla

Fenolinių junginių kiekio nustatymas paprastuosiuose čiobreliuose augančiuose skirtingose augavietėse

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dc.contributor.author Linkevičiūtė, Livija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T12:20:18Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T12:20:18Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/375
dc.description Therelevance of the topic. All over the world, plants have been the basis of traditional medicine for thousands of years and provide new treatment methods for humans. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of the world's population uses traditional medicine for the treatment, prevention and this treatment includes the use of herbal extracts. Recently, medical plants are increasingly used to treat infectious diseases, as they contain biologically active compounds, tannins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which have antimicrobial effects. Namely, thyme is the most important medicinal plant, which contains antimicrobial substances such as thymol and carvacrol, which help protect against various diseases. It was found that 43 biologically active compounds were detected in Thymus serpyllum essential oil. Thyme accumulates a lot of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which have strong antioxidant properties. The aim of the study was to determine the amount of phenolic compounds in Thymus serpyllum growing indifferent vegetation areas. Study tasks: 1. Theoretical description of the prevalence of Thymus serpyllum, biologically active compounds, pharmacological effects and their curative properties; 2. Theoretically reveal the main phenolic compounds, their classification and medical significance; 3. Determine the total amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in thyme herb using the spectrophotometric method. In the final work, there were carried out scientific literature analysis and experimental research. To investigate the amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in thyme herb, a spectrophotometric method was used. The study took place in 2018 February - March. For the study, thyme was collected from 6 different Lithuanian vegetation areas, during flowering period in 2017. Thyme raw material was crushed by shredder and prepared extracts. To determine the phenolic compounds there was used the Folin - Ciocalteu reagent, and aluminum chloride - for the determination of flavonoids. The content of phenolic compounds is expressed in mg GAE / g of the dry matter of the plant and in mg GAE / 50 ml of extract, and in flavonoids in percentage of routine equivalents. The study was performed 3 times. Charts were computed using the MS Excel 2007 program. The results of the study revealed that the most phenolic compounds in the thyme herb were found in Lazdijai district, and the smallest amount was found in Kretinga and Kretinga district. Flavonoids were mostly found in Vilkaviškis district (Vištytis), and the least in Lazdijai district. The results of the study showed that almost the same amount of flavonoids in thyme herb was found in three vegetation areas, namely in Kaunas (Amaliai garden), Kretinga district and Lazdijai district. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo nustatytas fenolinių junginių kiekis paprastuosiuose čiobreliuose augančiuose skirtingose augavietėse. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai: pirmą skyrių sudaro literatūros analizė, kurios tikslas aprašyti čiobrelio gentį, paprastojo čiobrelio savybes, biologiškai aktyvius junginius, naudojimą ir fenolinius junginius. Antrame skyriuje aprašoma empirinio tyrimo metodika ir rezultatai, kurių tikslas nustatyti fenolinių junginių kiekius paprastojo čiobrelio žolėje surinktoje iš skirtingų augaviečių. Darbe pateiktos išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 43 psl. Darbą sudaro 1 lentelė, 9 paveikslėliai, 3 priedų, panaudotos literatūros sąrašą sudaro 52 moksliniai šaltiniai en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Paprastasis čiobrelis, fenoliniai junginiai, skirtingos augavietės en_US
dc.title Fenolinių junginių kiekio nustatymas paprastuosiuose čiobreliuose augančiuose skirtingose augavietėse en_US
dc.title.alternative Determination of Phenol Compounds Content in Common Thyme Growing in Different Habitats en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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