DSpace talpykla

Pilnų išimamųjų individualizuotų akrilinių protezų viršutiniam ir apatiniam žandikauliams gamyba ir ypatumai

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dc.contributor.author Atkočaitis, Arnoldas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T07:52:52Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T07:52:52Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/354
dc.description Arnoldas Atkočaitis (Dental Technology Education Program) conducted a study “ Manufacture and features of complete individualized dentures for upper and lower jaws ”. Study leader lector Inga Vasilavičiūtė. Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Oral Health Cathedral. Kaunas; 2018. The aim of this work: individualize complete dentures which could restore patients oral. The goals of the study were: 1) Analyzing scientific literature and theoretically proof the importance of individualization when creating removable dentures; 2) Create individualized removable dentures for upper and lower jaws. The paper analyzes Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature – scientific articles, books. Also added the practical work. There are many reasons why we lose teeth in our lives. People who say that this happens only because of poor hygiene habits is very mistaken. Inheritance, various illnesses, accidents and certain life circumstances can be as important as our habits. The loss of all teeth primarily affects the face of a person, eventually the jaw disappears, wrinkles develop in the mouth area. A young 50-year-old visually can look twenty years older. But this is a problem for most people, yet not the most important. Gastrointestinal disorders caused by misfeded food and persistent facial pains cause much more inconvenience than visual changes. en
dc.description.abstract Individualizuoti dantų protezus, kurie atkurtų natūralų paciento burnos vaizdą. Metodai, kuriais įmanoma atkurti natūralų paciento burnos vaizdą akriliniuose protezuose. Pagamintas viršutinio bei apatinio žandikaulio akrilinius individualizuotus išimamuosius dantų protezus en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject dantų protezai, akriliniai protezai, žandikaulis en_US
dc.title Pilnų išimamųjų individualizuotų akrilinių protezų viršutiniam ir apatiniam žandikauliams gamyba ir ypatumai en_US
dc.title.alternative Manufacture and Features of Complete Individualized Dentures for Upper and Lower Jaws en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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