DSpace talpykla

2017 metų maudymosi sezono Kauno apskrities, Šakių ir Jurbarko rajonų maudyklų užterštumo rodiklių vertinimas

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dc.contributor.author Martinonis, Julius
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T07:32:04Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T07:32:04Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/348
dc.description Surface waters can be very easily contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. Water pollution is a consequence of human and economic activity. Water contaminants include natural products for human and animal metabolism, biological discharges and chemicals used in agriculture, industry, and households. Water may be contaminated with mineral, organic, biological contaminants. Aim of the study: To evaluate the microbial contamination of recreational waters. Objectives of the study: 1. Theoretically, discuss the characteristics of the bathing water, the requirements, the microbial pollution indicators 2. Estimate 2017 Kaunas County, Fork and Jurbarkas districts of microbial pollution of bathing water in accordance with ISO standards regulated rates; 3. Compare between 2017 Kaunas County, Sakiai and Jurbarkas District BathsBiological contamination is common to surface water bodies. Biological contamination is common to surface water bodies. Biological contaminants are various usually harmful microorganisms for human and animal health. Usually bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa. These pollutants are mainly formed due to high levels of contamination of water with organic materials. Contaminated water bodies become dangerous infectious diseases (dysentery, cholera, hepatitis, etc.). The research material was collected in 2017, in Kaunas County and in the neighboring areas of Šakiai and Jurbarkas. A total of 324 samples of surface water were investigated.The practical part of the study was performed with NVSPL using methods of water filtration, colony counting, bacterial identification. The tests were carried out in accordance with HN 92: 2007 and LST ISO standards: LST EN ISO 9308-1: 2014, LST EN ISO 9308-2: 2014, LST EN ISO 9308-3 + AC: 2000, LST EN ISO 7899-2: 2001 , LST EN ISO 6222: 2001. Comparing the results of research findings , most of the bathing sites did not match the HN in Jonava and Kedainiai (11 and 10), at least in Kaisiadorys and Kaunas districts (the bathing waters matched HN the whole season)In all other bathing sites tested, microbial contamination did not match HN. In September, it was 27.78 per cent of all monthly samples, twice less than in August - 13.59 per cent. In July, pollution was four times lower than in September - by 6.94 percent and in June compared to September even 7 times - 2.90 percent. In May, all the tested samples of bathing water complied with the HN. en
dc.description.abstract Paviršiniai vandenys iš aplinkos gali būti labai lengvai užteršti patogeniniais mikroorganizmais. Vandens tarša yra žmogaus ir ūkinės veiklos pasekmė.Tirti 2017 maudymosi sezono maudyklos vadovaujantis HN 92-2007. Filtravimo metodu, mikrobinę taršą vertinta pagal indikatorines bakterijas, ištirti 324 ėminiai. Iš jų 30 neatitiko Enterokokų ribinės reikšmės, 4 -E.coli. Labiausiai užterštos maudykos rugsėjo mėn. . Atšilęs oras, didelis kritulių kiekis bei padidėjąs besimaudančiųjų skaičius galėjo turėti įtakos padidėjusiai taršai en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Vanduo; tarša; maudykla; mikrobai; vasara en_US
dc.title 2017 metų maudymosi sezono Kauno apskrities, Šakių ir Jurbarko rajonų maudyklų užterštumo rodiklių vertinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Microbial contamination study of recreational waters in 2017 en
dc.type Other en_US

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