DSpace talpykla

Vitalijos Norbutaitės ūkio ūkinės veiklos įvertinimas

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dc.contributor.author Bliūdžiūtė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-23T06:49:25Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-23T06:49:25Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/343
dc.description Chinchilla is a nice, friendly, small –sized animal slightly similar to squirrel or small rabbit in appearance. Chinchilla‘s habitat is the Andes Mountains in South America. Every year this country exports about 500 thousand pieces of leather. Being in captivity, chinchillas can not find their own food, so while raising them, one should take full responsibility for these animals. According to the data of the State Food and Veterinary Service, there are currently registered 28 chinchilla plants or farm chinchillas in Lithuania. Relevance of the topic. In the last few years, chinchilla growers have been growing in the country. Growers are attracted by big profits, but more attention must be paid to proper care of the animals, their nutrition, disease control, and the topic is up-to-date and relevant. The object of work is the farm of V. Norbutaitė . Aim: to evaluate V. Norbutaitė‘s chinchilla farm. Objectives: to provide theoretical biological and physical data of chinchillas, to present their cultivation premises and equipment; Presentation of chinchillas in the premises of V. Norbutaitė where 100 chinchillas are grown. One chinchilla family consists of four females and one male, i.e. 500 chinchillas. The mother band consists of 80 families. On the farm where chinchillas are grown, food is stored. In the buildings, a plumbing borehole has been introduced, introduced by electricity. On V. Norbutaitė's house, family cages set five cubes in height. The family cage consists of four mesh wires. Each floor has 6 cages. After the results of the monitoring of chinchilla breeding in the farm of V. Norbutaitė the following results were obtained: in the N. Norbutaitė farm, four juveniles were born. en
dc.description.abstract Šinšila – simpatiškas bei malonus žvėrelis. Nėra stambus, iš išvaizdos šiek tiek panašus į voverę ar nedidelį triušį. Šinšilų tėvyne laikomi Andų kalnai, Pietų Amerikoje. Šioje šalyje kiekvienais metais buvo eksportuojama apie 500 tūkstančius kailiukų. Šinšilos, gyvendamos nelaisvėje, negali pačios susirasti pašaro, tad augindamas šinšilas žmogus prisiima visą atsakomybę už šiuos žvėrelius. Valstybės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos duomenimis, šiuo metu Lietuvoje yra įregistruota 28 šinšilų įmonių ar ūkių užsiimančių šinšilų auginimu. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Ūkinės veiklos įvertinimas, veterinarija, ūkinis gyvūnas, pašarai, šinšila en_US
dc.title Vitalijos Norbutaitės ūkio ūkinės veiklos įvertinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Performance analysis of Vitalija Norbutaitė farm en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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