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Moterų informuotumas apie dehidratuotos riebios odos problemas ir jų korekcijos galimybes kosmetinėmis priemonėmis

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Radzvilavičiūtė, Akvilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-22T12:09:22Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-22T12:09:22Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-11
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/338
dc.description Wrong approach to oily dehydrated skin can lead to general skin condition deterioration and this can cause signs of skin ageing, it becomes more difficult to regenerate after damage, external factors can easily affect the skin. The purpose: to reveal women‘s awareness of dehydrated oily skin problems and possibilities of correction by cosmetic measurements. Study tasks: 1) to reveal the oily dehydrated skin aetiology; 2) to explain theoretically the effect of cosmetic products on the condition of oily dehydrated skin; 3) to identify women’s awareness of dehydrated skinproblems and remedies for cosmetic products. Results: the analysis of scientific and professional literature and written survey were carried out. The survey was attended by 86 women aged 18 to 40 years with oily problematic or oily non-prolematic skin type. Conclusions: oily skin can be caused by internal or external factors. In the case of oily dehydrated skin it is important to use appropriate skin care products that regulate sebum secretion and have moisturing active ingredients. Most women who have participated in the skudy deal with problem of skin dehydration using cosmetics at home so they know that skin dehydration may be affected by improperly selected cosmetics. There is a lack of awareness on information of active ingretients used by oily dehydrated skin and skin care routine. en
dc.description.abstract Klaidingas moterų požiūris į riebią dehidratuotą odą gali pabloginti bendrą odos būklę, dėl to greičiau pasireiškia odos senėjimo požymiai, oda sunkiau atsinaujina esant pažeidimams, išoriniai dirgikliai gali lengvai paveikti odą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Oda, riebi, dehidratuota, drėkinančios medžiagos en_US
dc.title Moterų informuotumas apie dehidratuotos riebios odos problemas ir jų korekcijos galimybes kosmetinėmis priemonėmis en_US
dc.title.alternative Women's Awareness of Dehydrated Greasy Skin Problems and Potential for Their Correction by Cosmetic Measures en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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