Temos aktualumas. Dažniausios infekcijos sukeliamos bakterijų yra šlapimo takų infekcijos. Kasmet pasaulyje jomis suserga apie 150 milijonų žmonių. Šių infekcijų pasekmės yra rimtos. Šlapimo takų infekcijos yra linkusios kartotis. Dažnas antibiotikų vartojimas gali sukelti kolitą ir didelį bakterijų atsparumą antibiotikams. Didėjantis bakterijų atsparumas antibiotikams stebimas visame pasaulyje. Jis kelia rimtą grėsmę visuomenės sveikatai ir pacientų saugumui Europoje. Europoje antibiotikams atsparios bakterijos sukelia apie 25 tūkstančius mirčių kasmet.
Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas: įvertinti X ligoninėje iš šlapimo išskirtų bakterijų atsparumą antibiotikams
Background. The most common bacterial infections are urinary tract infections. Every year around 150 million people become ill with these infections. The consequences of urinary tract infections are serious. They are prone to repeat. Frequent use of antibiotics can lead to colitis and a high level of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Growing antimicrobial resistance is monitored worldwide. It poses a serious threat to public health and patient safety in Europe. In Europe, antibioticresistant bacteria cause about 25,000 deaths annually.
Aim: to assess antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains isolated from urine in the X-hospital.
Tasks: 1) To describe the information provided in literature about the risk factors of urinary tract infections, the etiology of microorganisms causing urinary tract infections and the antimicrobial resistance. 2) Discuss bacteriological urine tests data from 2018 January to 2018 March made in the Xhospital. 3) Assess the uropathogens resistance to antibiotics.
Methods. A review of literature and X-hospital urine bacteriological tests data analysis. The data was reviewed, collected and structured in period of January 2017 and March 2018. Only positive (observed bacterial growth) responses were collected. In total, 4010 (positive) urine crop data was collected and systematized.
Results. An analysis of the research findings showed that urinary tract infections are more common in women than men. Bacteria in urine samples are more commonly isolated in the elderly. When analyzing the resistance to antibiotics from urinary isolated bacteria E. coli strains were most resistance to ampicillin. K. pneumoniae bacteria showed high resistance to all analyzed antibiotics. E. faecalis was very resistant to norfaxacin. E. faecium was highly resistant to all antibiotics analyzed, also VRE strains were observed. Almost all Proteus spp. strains were resistant to nitrofurantoin. P. aeruginosa was the most resistant to cefotaxime.