DSpace talpykla

Šilauogių uogyno įkūrimas, Gintauto Morkevičiaus ūkyje

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dc.contributor.author Morkevičiūtė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-21T07:41:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-21T07:41:53Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/271
dc.description In the final work to examine the possibility of setting up a new business in Gintautas Morkevičius' farm. The farm is subject to intensive farming system. The area of land declared 150.5 ha, the plants are grown winter and spring wheat, spring barley, spring rape and peas. The planned holding of 2 ha berry's farm. It is important to consider the characteristics of the chemical composition of fruits, soil preparation and planting, maintenance, selection, variety, the founding ideas. The idea of setting up is selected in the berry's farm related to the acquired knowledge, the practice carried out on the holding Rokas Amšiejus' farm, anxiety and dream come true. The idea to establish a berry's farm broke out for the whole family, because we ourselves grow some berry's bearing trees for your small garden and we know what a great taste of these berries. The problem is the establishment of a labour berry's farm Gintautas Morkevičius' farm. Before the implementation of this idea is very important to properly select and prepare the ground for the future, the fruits of varieties, designed for the berry's farm plan. Work: the task of the final work, the list of tables and images, definitions, summary, introduction, the methodology of research, scientific and professional literature on the berry's of production technology and variety of the work of the selection criteria for the object a description of the establishment of the berry farm holding Gintauto Morkevičiaus project, the establishment of the budget, of the berry's of economic, literature, and other sources of information. Investigation of the methods: analysis of scientific literature; questionnaire; the survey; tracking; the statistical analysis of the data; the examination of the documents in the farm. The main conclusion: the work plan drawn up by the berry's farm and the economic calculations show, that this farm is profitable to set up, because during the 3 years of net profit of Eur 26299.17, i.e. achieving revenues cover the costs and the establishment of the berry's of the economic pay-off. After getting the first profits, planned to buy refrigerators and in the future expansion of berry's area. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama galimybė įkurti naują verslą Gintauto Morkevičiaus ūkyje. Ūkyje yra taikoma intensyvi žemdirbystės sistema. Deklaruotas žemės plotas 150,5 ha, auginami žieminiai ir vasariniai kviečiai, vasariniai rapsai, vasariniai miežiai ir žirniai. Ūkyje planuojama įrengti 2 ha šilauogyną. Svarbu išnagrinėti šilauogių charakteristiką, cheminę sudėtį, dirvos paruošimą ir vietos parinkimą, sodinimą, priežiūrą, veisles, įkūrimo idėjos planavimą. Pasirinkta idėja įkurti šilauogyną susijusi su įgytomis žiniomis, atlikta praktika Roko Amšiejaus ūkyje, pomėgiu ir svajone tai įgyvendinti. Mintis įkurti šilauogyną kilo visai šeimai, nes mes patys auginame keletą uogakrūmių savo mažame sodelyje ir žinome, koks puikus šių uogų skonis. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Šilauogės, uogynas, ūkio įkūrimas, verslo planas, verslininkystė en_US
dc.title Šilauogių uogyno įkūrimas, Gintauto Morkevičiaus ūkyje en_US
dc.title.alternative Estabilishment of blueberry (Vaccinium) plantation on Gintautas Morkevičius farm en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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