Netiesioginė priklausomybė yra lėtinė liga, pasižyminti ilgalaikiais simptomais, kurie ilgainiui progresuoja, o be intervencijos ir gydymo liga tik gilėja. Netiesioginė priklausomybė susiformuoja vaikystėje, dėl netinkamos aplinkos disfunkcinėje šeimoje (Lancer, 2015). Terminas „netiesioginė priklausomybė“, lyginant su priklausomybės alkoholiui ar kitoms psichotropinėms medžiagoms apibūdinimais, Lietuvos visuomenėje yra mažai žinomas ar akcentuojamas. Kaip nurodoma Al-Anon literatūroje, vienas tiesiogiai priklausomas asmuo netiesiogiai priklausomais paverčia vidutiniškai šešis sau artimus žmones. Taigi, nuo netiesioginės priklausomybės kenčia net šešis kartus daugiau žmonių nei nuo psichiką veikiančių medžiagų priklausomybių. Todėl socialinio darbuotojo veikla teikiant paramą netiesioginę priklausomybę patiriančiam asmeniui yra labai svarbi ir aktuali.
The relevance of the topic. Codependency is a chronic disease, characterized by long-term symptoms that progressis in the long run, and without intervention or treatment goes even deeper. Codependency develops in childhood, due to inappropriate environment in a dysfunctional families (Lancer, 2015). The term "codependence" in comparison with other dependencies, such as alcohol addiction or other psychotropic substances addictions, is little known or emphasized in Lithuanian society. According to Al-Anon, one dependent person indirectly adds an average of six people close to him. Thus, there are as many as six times as many people suffering from codependency, than from dependence to psychoactive substances. Therefore, the social worker's activities in providing support to a person with an codependence are very important and relevant.
The aim of the thesis: Reveal the work of a social worker in providing support to a person experiencing codependency in a family with a social risk.
The object of the thesis: The work of a social worker in providing support to a person experiencing codependency in a family with a social risk.
The challenges of the thesis:
Explain the concept of codependency. Describe the work of a social worker working with a social risk family. Identify the work of a social worker in providing support to a person experiencing codependency in a family of social risks.
The type of the research: quality research.
The study participants: Members of the Al-Anon group, experiencing codependency and were included in the list of social risk families. The study involved 6 informants, all participants - women.
Conclusions of the research. The research helped to determine that the main work of a social worker in providing support to a person experiencing codependency in a family with a social risk, who are involved in the research of codependence, are counseling and information. The research revealed that one of the most important works of a social worker in providing support to a person experiencing codependency is consulting work. Thanks to the advice of a social worker, informants received advice on how to improve relationships with relatives and dependent family members. The social worker taught the informants to reflect on their experiences, focus on their needs, and provided information about the groups for people who are experiencing codependency. According to the informants, they were able to find out about their illness through the information of the social worker, and they learned how to reconcile with it and live a full-fledged life.