DSpace talpykla

Vyresniųjų klasių moksleivių žinios apie burnos higieną

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dc.contributor.author Navickaitė, Jurgita
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-02T06:25:28Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-02T06:25:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2589
dc.description Final work goal. To reveal the knowledge about oral hygiene among high school students. The research objectives: 1. To theoretically explain the concept of oral hygiene. 2. Exclude the most common oral diseases among adolescents. 3. Identify the individual oral hygiene habits of high school pupils. 4. To disclose the knowledge of professional oral hygiene among high school students. Research methods. In this work, the analysis of scientific literature and questionnaire survey on the internet were carried out. In order to determine the knowledge of oral hygiene among the senior pupils, a quantitative study was carried out, the method of data collection was chosen - an online survey. The survey took place on April 2 - 15, 2019, with 124 respondents (26 boys and 98 girls) participating in the survey. The participants of the study were selected in a non-probabilistic random sample. The survey instrument - the questionnaire - consisted of 22 questions. Research results. Most pupils brush their teeth twice a day, and also use various additional individual oral hygiene products. It has been revealed that a small number of students do not know what tools they use for oral care at home. It turned out that parents have the greatest influence on their children - both in the choice of oral care products, oral hygiene knowledge, and the promption of professional oral hygiene. Only a small number of students do not have enough knowledge about professional oral hygiene, most students know what is done during the procedure and how often it should be done. One-third of students do not know what oral diseases mineralized dental plaque can cause. en_US
dc.description.abstract Pasaulinės sveikatos organizacijos duomenimis (2012), pasauliniu mąstu, apie 75 procentai mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų serga viena labiausiai paplitusių odontologinių ligų – kariesu, kurio pagrindinė priežastis yra bakterinis dantų apnašas. Lietuvos vaikų ir paauglių burnos higienos būklę, palyginus su kitomis Europos šalimis, galima vertinti tik patenkinamai. Tyrimų, atliktų Lietuvoje, duomenimis, dantų ėduonies paplitimas tarp Lietuvos moksleivių didėja su amžiumi (tarp septynmečių 20,6 proc., tuo tarpu tarp penkiolikamečių 95,9 proc.), apie pusei tyrime dalyvavusių vaikų reikalingas gydymas, 3,8 proc. - protezavimas en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Vyresniųjų klasių moksleiviai, žinios apie burnos higieną en_US
dc.title Vyresniųjų klasių moksleivių žinios apie burnos higieną en_US
dc.title.alternative High School Pupils’ Knowledge about Oral Hygiene en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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