Remiantis Odontologų rūmų informacija Lietuvoje turime 8721 burnos priežiūros specialistą su galiojančia licencija Ksilitolis – tai natūraliai susidaręs organinis junginys, kuris turi penkis anglies atomus ir penkias hidroksi grupes (Ur-Rehman ir kt., 2015). Rafeek ir kt. (2018) teigia, jog ksilitolio vartojimas skatina seilėtekį, atstato burnos pH į šarminę ir stiprina emalio remineralizaciją. Viena svarbiausių ksilitolio savybių yra antikariogeniškumas, kuri kontroliuodama Lactobacillus ir Streptococcus mutans augimą seilėse padeda sumažinti dantų ėduonies ir apnašo formavimąsi (Mohamad ir kt., 2015). Pagal Higienos institutą, Lietuvoje yra bene didžiausias dantų karieso paplitimas palyginus su kitomis ES šalimis. Pagal 2016m. duomenis, 19,48 proc. 7-17m. amžiaus vaikų neturėjo kariozinių, plombuotų ar išrautų dantų, labai žemas KPI nustatytas 29 proc. vaikų, žemas KPI – 12,15 proc., vidutinis 7-17m. vaikų – 21,18 proc., aukštas – 14,18 proc. ir labai aukšta KPI turi net 21,96 proc. 7-17m. amžiaus Lietuvos vaikų.
According to the information of „Odontologų rūmai“ we have a 8721 oral care specialist with a valid license in Lithuania. The knowledge aboue xylitol is diferent in every of them. Xylitol is a naturally occuring organic compound that has five carbon atoms and five hydroxy groups. It is a material that is ideal for oral health and protect against diseases such as decay, which is the most common among the children of Lithuania, because xylitol is characterized by the following characteristics: the promotion of salivation, the pH of the mouth restoration, enamel remineralization, anti-cariesogenic properties, etc. The problem. What is the knowledge of dentistry specialists about xylitol and its importance for oral health? The object. Knowledge of dentistry specialists about xylitol and its importance for oral health. The aim. To reveal the knowledge about xylitol and its importance for oral health in dentistry. The goals: 1. Theoretically describe xylitol, its origin, use potential; 2. Analyse the significance of xylitol and its products for oral health; 3. Evaluate the knowledge of xylitol and its importance in the oral cavity according to their professional qualifications of dentistry specialists. Research methodology. Scientific literature analysis, questionnaire online survey, statistical analysis. A quantitative study has been selected. The study included 100 respondents, women 96 and 4 men. Only specialists in dentistry participated in research. The collected data is processed by Microsoft Office Excel system. Results of the reasearch. To sum up the answers from by respondents to the investigation, it can be said that the knowledge of xylitol is limited among specialists of dentistry, not all knowledge is correct and not always applied correctly in practice. Nearly everyone respondents said they knew this material. Many have the right knowledge about the type of xylitol material, where it can be found and used not only in the field of dentistry. However, not all dentistry specialists know about the properties of xylitol important to oral health. Most dentistry specialists evaluate their knowledge of this material only satisfactorily - 41 %, and even 18 % they value their knowledge as bad.