DSpace talpykla

Automobilių savitarnos plovyklos informacinė sistema

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Alekna, Tomas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-27T08:07:19Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-27T08:07:19Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2523
dc.description The first self-service car wash in Lithuania was introduced in 1999. Then it was an innovation, a novelty that allowed people living in the city to wash their car and save a lot of money compared to the automatic washes that were already used and able to become popular in Lithuania. However, today it is not a novelty, especially in the last year (in 2018) only 8 new self-service car washes were built and installed in Kaunas. However, many of them, as well as the first in Lithuania, still use metal coins, called washing tokens, which are still being built. This is a reliable way to have your own 'currency' for each car wash, so you can distinguish the coins: the equipment can differentiate between the weight and metal structure, or it is really a badge for this car wash, which makes it possible to use a chip bought in one car wash. However, it has been an unchanging practice for over 20 years. Wash chips have not only advantages but also drawbacks. Such coins are easy to lose, often using a pump, instead of being suctioned, the coin is simply suctioned. If you do not use all the coins, we will transport them until the next visit. So why not change this practice without using smart devices that are now available to almost every person in your pocket? The system is planned to be designed using the web site model. Because it does not oblige people to download special software, it will be easily accessible to everyone. All they need to do is create an account and replenish the chips account. Technologies used: PHP programming language, JavaScript programming language, MySQL data management system. en
dc.description.abstract Informacinė sistema, kuri pakeis realius savitarnos plovyklos žetonus virtualiais. Registruotas sistemos vartotojas papildys žetonų sąskaitą įsigijęs papildymo kodą kasoje. Prisijungęs sistemoje vartotojas pasirinks vieną iš trijų plovyklų ir paspaus mygtuką kuris nusiųs vieną impulsą į aparatą, kas prilygs realiam žetonui. Sistema bus naudinga vartotojui, nes jis visuomet žinos kiek žetonų turi savo sąskaitoje, jie visada bus vienoje vietoje ir nepasimes. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Savitarnos plovykla, informacinė sistema, IS en_US
dc.title Automobilių savitarnos plovyklos informacinė sistema en_US
dc.title.alternative Self-service car wash information system en_US
dc.type other en_US

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