Įvertinti radiologijos technologų žinias apie pasirinktų veiksnių reikšmę pacientų radiacinei saugai užtikrinti įprastinėje rentgeno diagnostikoje.
Aprašyti radiacinės saugos principus ir veiksnius, taikomus įprastinėje rentgeno diagnostikoje, siekiant sumažinti paciento apšvitą. Atskleisti, kokie radiologijos technologų manymu efektyviausi ir mažiausiai efektyvūs veiksniai, siekiant sumažinti paciento apšvitą įprastinėje rentgeno diagnostikoje. Įvertinti dažniausiai pasirinktų veiksnių efektyvumą mažinant paciento apšvitą įprastinėje rentgeno diagnostikoje
Research aim. To evaluate the radiology technologist‘s knowledge about the meaning of chosen factors to ensure the patient’s safety in x–ray radiography. Research objectives. To describe the principles and factors of radiation safety applied in x–ray radiography aiming to decrease radiation to the patient. To reveal, in opinion of the radiology technologists, what kind of factors are the most and least effective when aiming to lessen the irradiance to the patient in x–ray radiography. To evaluate the mostly chosen factor’s effectivity when lessening the irradiance to the patient in x–ray radiography. Research methods. The research took place in LSMUL Kaunas clinics and other health care institutions in Kaunas. The research is split into two parts, the first part – the analysis of the questionnaire, the second part – the analysis of the results of the practical tests. In the first part, 44 radiology technologists, who work with a x–ray machine, were asked to fill an anonymous questionnaire. In the second part, considering the results of the questionnaires, the chosen factors’ effectiveness to lessen the irradiance to the patient were evaluated. The questionnaires’ data and the analysis of the practical tests results’ were carried out by using ,,Microsoft Excel 2016”. Results. After carrying out the analysis of the questionnaires of the radiology technologists’, it was clear that the biggest part thought that the assurance of the patient’s safety is very important. Less than a quarter of radiology technologists evaluate their knowledge in radiation safety of a patient as very high. The bigger part of respondents agreed that filtration, radiation field collimation, protective lead aprons and the compensation of exposure considering the size of the patient, greatly decrease the radiation of the patient. Half of the respondents think that lessening the tube current and a correct positioning of the patient also has a great impact on limiting the radiation on the patient. A quarter of respondents stated that using a grid, increasing the distance and the kilovoltage lessens the radiance on the patient. And half of the respondents did not know the importance of a focal spot size to the dose. After carrying out the practical tests it was clear that the bigger the irradiance field the bigger the dose of irradiance on the patient, and by increasing the voltage the irradiance on the patient respectively decreases. By using the grid to make the examination it will be possible to
increase the dose of irradiance on the patient, and the focal spot does not have any importance to that. Conclusions. The most important principles of radiation safety are divided into optimization, limitation and validity. Factors making an effect on the irradiance of the patient are voltage, filtration, collimation, grid, positioning of the patient and safety measures. The biggest part of respondents agreed that limiting the field of irradiance makes a great impact on lessening the impact of irradiance on the patient. There was not an unanimous opinion on the grid and on the limitation of the field of irradiance lessening the impact of the irradiance on the patient. And more than half of the respondents did not know the importance of the grid to the irradiance of the patient. According to the results of the research it can be stated that increasing the voltage it is possible to lessen the dose of irradiance on the patient. Also performing the examination with a grid the dose of irradiance on the patient will be greater by 2 times. A smaller field of irradiance also helps to give the patient a smaller dose of irradiance, and focal spot size do not have a great importance on the irradiance to the patient.