DSpace talpykla

Centralizuotas tinklo monitoringo, saugos gerinimo ir programinės įrangos atnaujinimų diegimo automatizavimo projektas

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dc.contributor.author Endriukaitis, Laurynas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-26T08:26:10Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-26T08:26:10Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2502
dc.description During bachelor’s thesis the protection of workstations in company Altacom was analyzed and it was identified that the company’s computers were not protected enough and employees could have easily infected computers that they use for their everyday work. Company also did not have a tool that would allow to set the same security policy to all the company’s computers at the same time from a centralized console. After analyzing security of all devices in Altacom the next step was to choose an antivirus solution that fits the best for the company’s needs. After comparing a few different solutions by their functionality and independent test results Bitdefender antivirus was chosen. Different tools were also tested that Altacom engineers will be using to make their daily jobs easier. After long testing Solarwinds RMM remote monitoring and management tool was chosen. This software was most in line with the company’s requirements compared to other solutions. When both software solutions were chosen and purchased their agents were installed on all personnel computer devices. Security policies according to Altacom requirements were put in place after installing the agents. When Bitdefender agents were installed to every company’s device the computers became much safer since Bitdefender detects malware at a much better rate compared to what Altacom was using before. The possibilities for employees to infect their devices with malware became minimal. Employees no longer have the control to choose what happens with detected malware, such permissions were given only to trained company engineers. Solarwinds RMM software will help Altacom engineers perform their daily jobs much faster, they will be able to do it remotely and even automate some of the work. Saved time will be used to perform other more important tasks and increase their efficiency level overall. en
dc.description.abstract Tam, jog įmonės tinklas bei visi jame esantys įrenginiai išliktų saugūs, administratoriai bei saugumo analitikai privalo pasirinkti tinkamus įrankius, kurių dėka jie galėtų užkirsti kelią bet kokiems bandymams įsibrauti į šiuos prietaisus ir pavogti jautrią informaciją. Norint sparčiai auginti savo įmonę taip pat svarbu išlikti iniciatyviais bei spręsti problemas prieš joms pasirodant bei užkirsti kelią jų atsiradimui, vietoje to, jog jos būtų sprendžiamos tik tuomet, kai jos pasirodo. Tai suteikia galimybę strategiškai planuoti savo ir darbuotojų laiką bei kitus resursus ir pastebėti stiprybes bei trūkumus. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Tinklas, monitoringas, apsauga, saugumas, atnaujinimai, automatizacija en_US
dc.title Centralizuotas tinklo monitoringo, saugos gerinimo ir programinės įrangos atnaujinimų diegimo automatizavimo projektas en_US
dc.title.alternative Centralized network monitoring, security improvement and automatization of software updates project en_US
dc.type other en_US

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