DSpace talpykla

Turistų traukos objektų vertinimas Kauno mieste ir rajone

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dc.contributor.author Zinovjeva, Dovilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-23T07:05:36Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-23T07:05:36Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-11
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2441
dc.description Description of the work. This paper presents an analysis of the scientific literature, which is reflected by different authors concept of tourist attraction objects and their evaluation criteria. Analyzing research results and suggesting ways to improve attraction objects.The work is relevant, because in order to maintain the attractiveness of tourist attractions, they need to be improved and developed to meet the needs of tourists. Evaluation of atraction objects helps to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. The aim is to evaluate tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and region. Methods of work. Analysis of scientific literature, interviews, questionnaire, SWOT analysis. The objectives: 1. To analyze and present the concept of tourist attraction objects and their classification; 2. To introduce tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district; 3. Conducting expert opinion and tourist opinion survey of tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district; 4. Provide opportunities for improvement of tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district. The structure. The theoretical part analyzes the concept of tourist attraction objects, their classification and evaluation criteria, distinguishes tourism resources and their classification. Defined tourist concept and types. In the analytical part presented the short description of Kaunas city region, briefly presented the most visited tourist attraction objects. The analytical part also includes a questionnaire, interview their analysis and the results. The practical part of the paper presents suggestions how to improve tourist attraction objects. The results of work. After evaluating tourist attraction objects, it turned out that the situation is not good enough, but research has shown and weaknesses of tourist attraction objects (lack of interactive services, insufficient dissemination of information about objects, lack of investment, underdeveloped infrastructure in Kaunas region, lack of some services (active activities in winter, adaptation of objects to families, etc.). Improvements to this problem would include the development of: catering, lodging and various entertainment venues, near bicycle paths, along the Nemunas creation, expanding information infrastructure for tourist attractions, introducing new tourism information tools, strengthening cooperation with foreign countries, organizing conferences and organizing training staff, creation of snack bars from remote locations, etc. en
dc.description.abstract Turizmas svarbus daugelyje pasaulio šalių bei regionų. Ši sritis pasaulyje padeda išsaugoti kultūras, aplinką, užtikrina taiką ir saugumą, sukuria naujas darbo vietas, prisideda prie ekonominio augimo, plėtros bei padeda kurti ryšius tarp pasaulio šalių. Lietuva – šalis esanti viename iš lankomiausių pasaulio regionų, Kauno miestas ir rajonas išsiskiria savo gamtos ir kultūros paveldu. Turizmo ištekliai labiausiai pritraukia turistų dėmesį į lankytinas vietas tam tikroje vietovėje. Norint išlaikyti traukos objektų patrauklumą, ir pritraukti kuo daugiau turistų į Kauno miestą bei rajoną verta atlikti turistų traukos objektų vertinimą išskiriant stipriąsias ir silpnąsias puses bei pasiūlyti traukos objektų tobulinimo galimybes. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject turistų traukos objektai, klasifikacija, traukos objektų vertinimas, turizmas en_US
dc.title Turistų traukos objektų vertinimas Kauno mieste ir rajone en_US
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of Tourist Attraction Objects in Kaunas City and District en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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