DSpace talpykla

Tarptautinių reguliarių keleivių pervežimo maršrutų pasiūlos ir paklausos analizė Ecolines pavyzdžiu

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dc.contributor.author Rakevičiūtė, Raimonda
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-23T06:44:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-23T06:44:39Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-11
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2434
dc.description Transport and transport networks are very important supply chains. It is also the foundation of the European and global economy. Transport is an efficient means of transporting goods and enabling people to travel to other countries for business, business, friends and relatives. Transport opens up new horizons, brings people together and improves the quality of life. Nowadays transport services are very important and every country invests heavily in the transport system and the introduction of new technologies. The aim of the thesis - provide solutions to the problems identified after analyzing ECOLINES supply and demand. Research object - ECOLINES demand and supply. Tasks of the thesis - the analysis of scientific literature reveals what is the transport system, its types and importance. Public transport and benefits from social, economic, human safety and environmental aspects are discussed. International transport and factors that influence the behavior of international bus users are discussed. According to the results of the quantitative survey method, suggestions are made to solve the problems raised. Methods of work - analysis of scientific literature and information sources, quantitative research method (survey) and SSGG analysis. Structure of the work - in the theoretical part the transport system, its types and importance were clarified. Public transport and benefits from social, economic, human safety and environmental aspects were also discussed. International transport and factors that influence the behavior of international bus users are discussed. The practical part of the paper presents the results of a quantitative survey (survey), as well as the presentation of a SSGS analysis aimed at presenting the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of ECOLINES. At the end of the paper, suggestions are made for solving ECOLINES problems, as well as conclusions. According to the survey, people mostly choose services offered by ECOLINES, offered routes and recommend the company to their friends and acquaintances. The main aspects of the survey, why this company is so popular among respondents, are the comfort of the company's buses during the trip, the wide choice of routes across the Baltic and European countries, and the awareness of the ECOLINES brand, which gives even greater confidence to respondents to choose the services of this company. en
dc.description.abstract Pagal Europos Sąjungos komisiją (2014) – „Transportas – kertinis Europos integracijos proceso akmuo, tvirtai susijęs su vidaus rinkos, skatinančios darbo vietų kūrimą ir ekonomikos augimą, plėtojimu ir sukūrimu. Kaip viena iš pirmųjų šiandienos Europos Sąjungos bendrosios politikos sričių, jis buvo laikomas itin svarbiu užtikrinant tris iš keturių 1957 m. Romos sutartimi įtvirtintos bendrosios rinkos laisvių: laisvą asmenų, paslaugų ir prekių judėjimą“. Ši tema aktuali, nes transportas skatina šalies ekonominį augimą vykstant tarptautinei prekybai bei turizmui. Transportas atveria žmonėms naujus horizontus ir suteikia galimybę keliauti po visą pasaulį. Anksčiau buvo manoma, jog visas transporto paslaugų verslas yra labai nuobodus procesas, kuris nereikalauja nei ypatingų žinių, reikiamos kvalifikacijos ar išsilavinimo. Buvo manoma, jog tai pats paprasčiausias procesas, kada kroviniai ar prekės buvo vežamos iš vieno taško į kitą. Šiais laikais transporto paslaugos yra labai svarbios ir kiekviena šalis daug investuoja į transporto sistemą bei naujų technologijų įvedimą. Transportas skatina prekybą tarp šalių, nes taip yra skatinamas ir stiprinamas ekonomikos augimas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject pavežėjimo paslaugos, maršrutų pasiūla, maršrutų paklausa, turizmas en_US
dc.title Tarptautinių reguliarių keleivių pervežimo maršrutų pasiūlos ir paklausos analizė Ecolines pavyzdžiu en_US
dc.title.alternative Supply and Demand Analysis of the International Regular Passenger Transport Routes (based on example of Ecolines) en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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