dc.description |
The paper presents an analysis of scientific literature explaining the concept of ecotourism, principles, and its links with other types of tourism and the possibilities of ecotourism development. This topic is relevant because it touches on an important and sensitive subject these days, the question is how to keep nature as natural as possible and at the same time promote tourism. Also, this paperwork is relevant to the fact that it develops an understanding of ecotourism, its concept, assumptions and possibilities to use city spaces more effectively and make them attractive to residents and tourists. The main goal of the work is to analyze the possibilities of ecotourism development in Elektrėnai municipality.
The objectives: to carry out the analysis of scientific literature to clarify the concept of ecotourism and the preconditions for its development; to analyze the provided ecotourism services and existing infrastructure in Elektrėnai municipality; to carry out a quantitative study to analyze the opinion of municipal residents on ecotourism services and activities in Elektrėnai municipality; to provide further opportunities for ecotourism development in Elektrėnai municipality.
Methods of work: analysis of scientific literature, document analysis, questionnaire, specialist interview, SWOT analysis. Work structure. The first theoretical part presents ecotourism and its development assumptions. Interpreting the concept of ecotourism, analyzing the link between ecotourism and other types of tourism: adventure tourism and cultural tourism, as well as ecotourism activities, resources, services and infrastructure. The second part presents the characteristics of Elektrėnai municipality, discusses the natural resources in Elektrėnai municipality, adapted to ecotourism, presents the currently offered ecotourism services, discusses the infrastructure created for ecotourism. The research, empirical data, data analysis and results, as well as ecotourism opportunities in Elektrenai municipality strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) matrix are presented. The third part presents opportunities for ecotourism development in Elektrėnai municipality.
Results: The assessment of ecotourism opportunities in Elektrėnai municipality revealed that ecotourism services and infrastructure are not fully developed at present. There is no use of water resources, picturesque, wooded areas, and it has been concluded that there is a serious lack of information on ecotourism services provided, and suggestions are being made to address these problems. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Šią temą verta nagrinėti, kadangi ja yra paliečiama svarbi ir šiomis
dienomis opi problema, nagrinėjamas klausimas kaip išlaikyti gamtą kuo natūralesnę ir tuo pačiu
skatinti turizmą. Remiantis Varnagirytės - Kabašinskienės (2018) atlikto empirinio tyrimo
duomenimis matoma aiški tendencija, kad nors turistai gamtines vietoves, teikiamas ekoturizmo
paslaugas ir infrastruktūrą vertina gana teigiamai, išryškėja kitos probleminės vietos - silpnoka
informacijos sklaida, ypatingai užsienio kalbomis, lėšų infrastruktūros atnaujinimui trūkumas,
turizmo paslaugų ir veiklų pasiūlos didinimas bei sezoniškumo mažinimas. Būtent todėl, šiame darbe
yra nagrinėjamas bei plėtojamas suvokimas apie ekoturizmą, jo privalumus ir trūkumus, koncepciją,
aptariamos prielaidos ir galimybės kaip efektingiau išnaudoti tuščias erdves ir jas padaryti labiau
patrauklias gyventojams. |
en_US |