DSpace talpykla

Turizmo potencialo vertinimas Tauragės rajone

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Budginaitė, Neda
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-22T11:13:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-22T11:13:07Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-10
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2418
dc.description The paper presents an assessment of tourism potential in Taurage district. The topic of the work is relevant, because tourism improves the economic situation of the district, so in order for the district to have a great tourist potential, it is necessary not only to carry out a thorough analysis of the situation, but also to find ways to improve the current situation of tourism. The problem is that tourists' interest in this area is not high compared to other areas. Also, the potential of tourism is not sufficiently exploited in Taurage district, some objects are not suitable for tourists. Methods of work - analysis of scientific literature, analysis of tourism potential of Taurage district, research of tourism situation in the area (using methods of questionnaire and interview with specialists) and suggestions on what could be improved or changed in the district so it would be attractive for tourists. Structure of the work - theoretical part discusses the concept of tourism potential and the factors forming it, assessment of the tourism potential of the area and its management. Evaluation of tourism potential in Tauragė district is evaluated in analytical part. The research was based on the analysis of Tauragė district, a survey (questionnaire, interview with specialists). The third part offers suggestions on what should be changed or improved in the area so that the potential of tourism could improve. The results of the work - Taurage district is an area with medium tourism potential. The main minuses of the district - the quality of accommodation services, the lack of information stands, the lack of information about the objects of interest and the lack of publicity of the district on the internet, incomplete tourism infrastructure. Strategic action planning is required. The paper suggests on what should be changed or improved in the area in order to increase tourism potential. Stated proposals: to form the main tourist centers in the settlements of Pagramantis, Taurai and Skaudvilė; expand in the accomodation sector; improve the information spread on the Internet; create a unique attraction object; pay particular attention to the development of active leisure tourism and cognitive tourism; to develop a strategic plan for tourism development. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo tema – Tauragės rajono turizmo potencialo vertinimas. Tauragės rajonas – tai rajonas vakarinėje Lietuvos dalyje. Tauragės rajonas, kaip ir kiekvienas rajonas turi kuo išsiskirti. Jam būdingas ne tik gamtinių rekreacinių išteklių potencialas – vaizdingi upių ir upelių slėniai, tačiau ir kultūriniai ištekliai, kuriuos sudaro archeologinis paveldas, urbanistinis ir architektūrinis paveldas (tame tarpe ir sakralinis paveldas) ir kiti kultūros objektai. Kadangi turizmas Lietuvoje turi didelę reikšmę tiek šalies integracijai į Europos Sąjungą (ES), tiek šalies ekonomikai, yra svarbu žinoti, kokį turistinį potencialą turi kiekvienas rajonas. Ypač svarbu tai, jog didžioji dalis Tauragės rajono teritorijos, lyginant ją su kitomis šalies teritorijomis, yra priskiriama mažo turistinio potencialo teritorijoms, o likusi dalis vidutinio turistinio potencialo teritorijoms. Todėl reikia ne tik įvertinti Tauragės rajono turizmo potencialą, bet ir ieškoti būdų, kaip šį rajoną paversti turistų mėgiama vietove. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject turizmas, turizmo potencialas, turizmo situacijos analizė en_US
dc.title Turizmo potencialo vertinimas Tauragės rajone en_US
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of Tourism Potential in Tauragė District en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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