DSpace talpykla

Burnos higienisto pasitenkinimas darbu, dirbant valstybinėje ir privačioje odontologijos klinikoje

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Jociūtė, Justina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-18T08:06:00Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-18T08:06:00Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/239
dc.description Justina Jociūtė (oral hygiene study program) carried out a professional Bachelor's thesis on the theme „Job satisfaction of the oral hygienists, working on private or public service dental clinics“. Science leader of the work: Aušra Kepenė. Kaunas University of applied sciences, Medical faculty, The Oral Health Department. Kaunas, 2018. The aim of the final work is to reveal job satisfaction of oral hygienists, working on private or public service dental clinics. Reasearch tasks: 1. Describe job satisfaction and its determinant factors. 2. Define the concept of public and private dental clinics. 3. Identify the job satisfaction of oral hygienists, working in the public or private dental clinic, according to the opinion of the participants in the study. In this study the results of analysis of scholarly literature and online survey are presented. In order to identify the job satisfaction of oral hygienists working on the public or private dental clinics, there was a quantitative research carried on. The chosen type of the gathering of the information - online survey. The research took place on April 17 - May 10, 2018. 89 people participated. The study participants were selected by a non-stochastic commemorative sampling method. The survey consisted of 23 statements and 9 questions. The study has shown that, the lower job satisfaction have those oral hygienists, who works in the public service clinic. High disatifaction is caused by low payroll, low opportunity of salary increase, opportunity of small career. The leader, on the opinion of respondents, is too little interest in the feelings of employee, there is too much quarrel and disagreements in the working atmosphere. The employee in the private clinic, is more satisfy with the salary, its opportunities to increase and the relantionships with the employer. In comparison, of the two types of clinics, there was no significant difference between the relationship with colleagues, as well as the enjoyment of work, the vision of meaning at work, and the sense of pride in work. en
dc.description.abstract Pasitenkinimas darbu ir jį lemiantys veiksniai. Valstybinės ir privačios klinikos samprata. Burnos higienistų pasitenkinimas darbu, dirbant valstybinėje ir privačioje odontologijos klinikoje, remiantis tyrimo dalyvių nuomone. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Motyvatoriai, darbo užmokestis, karjeros galimybės, santykiai darbe, darbovietės keitimas, pasitenkinimas darbu, klinika, privati en_US
dc.title Burnos higienisto pasitenkinimas darbu, dirbant valstybinėje ir privačioje odontologijos klinikoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Job Satisfaction of the Oral Hygienists, Working in Private or Public Service Dental Clinics en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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