DSpace talpykla

Kvapų taikymo galimybės kuriant organizacijos įvaizdį

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Matelienė, Gerda
dc.contributor.author Rudžionienė, Augustina
dc.contributor.author Šidagienė, Agnė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-18T08:03:11Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-18T08:03:11Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-11
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/235
dc.description Relevance of the thesis. In today's competitive world, the image of the organization has become a crucial factor in acquiring competitive advantage and developing effective business. Although there are a lot of communication channels, it is becoming more and more complex to reach out the customer. Many organizations are increasingly using sensory marketing to enhance their image - communication through customer‘s senses. Various scientific literature state that positive emotions can be stimulated by properly affecting all five senses of a person. Sensory marketing helps to establish emotional relationships with clients, creates long-term loyalty to the organization. However, since there is a lack of research in this area, the relevance of the topic is based on the mentioned aspect. Objective of the thesis – to expose possibilities of using scents, while creating an organization's image. Scope of the thesis – possibilities of using scents for the organization's image. Methods of research: analysis of scientific literature, written survey (questionnaire survey), oral interview (structured interview), descriptive statistical calculations. The study involved: 351 members of Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences . Conclusions of the research: results of quantitative research revealed that, according to most respondents, representative scent is important while creating organization's image. For organization‘s image creation, respondents would choose fresh, with citrus hints, mild, delicate or lightly sensed scents. Results of the research showed that traits of Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences activities: responsibility and professionalism is associated with the scent of wood, openness and respect with a floral aroma and community spirit with verdure and citrus scents. According to respondents, several ways of scents usage were identified as suitable to represent organization: aromatic candles, aroma diffusers and aroma sticks, The results of qualitative research revealed that respondents would like to have representative scent, created by Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences , in their working environment, however, the proposed scent could be felt only in certain situations – while greeting guests, during a variety of festivals and organized events. The created scent for respondents causes feelings of lightness, youthfulness, perkiness. The results of the research revealed as well that the scent created by “Kauno kolegija” could be lighter and fresher, however the intensity is sufficient. According to the study participants, representative scent of Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences is a positive factor that influences improvement of the organization's image, identifies organization and reveals its identity. en
dc.description.abstract Šiandieninės konkurencijos akivaizdoje organizacijos įvaizdis tapo ypač svarbia konkurencinio pranašumo įgijimo ir efektyvios veiklos vystymo priemone. Nors esama labai daug komunikacijos kanalų ir būdų, tačiau klientą pasiekti tenka vis sudėtingiau. Daugelis organizacijų stiprindamos savo įvaizdį vis dažniau pasitelkia sensorinę rinkodarą – komunikavimą per klientų pojūčius, dar kitaip vadinamą pojūčių marketingu. Mokslinėje literatūroje teigiama jog pozityvias emocijas galima sužadinti tinkamai paveikiant visus penkis žmogaus pojūčius. Pojūčių marketingas padeda užmegzti emocinius ryšius su klientais, sukuria ilgalaikį lojalumą organizacijai. Stinga šios srities tyrimų, todėl šiuo aspektu grindžiamas temos aktualumas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kvapas, organizacijos įvaizdis, organizacija, įvaizdis en_US
dc.title Kvapų taikymo galimybės kuriant organizacijos įvaizdį en_US
dc.title.alternative The Potential of Applying Smells for Image Development of an Organization en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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