DSpace talpykla

UAB „StepTrans” žinomumo didinimas marketingo priemonėmis

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dc.contributor.author Visockytė, Eglė
dc.contributor.author Pocius, Vilius
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-17T13:31:01Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-17T13:31:01Z
dc.date.issued 2018-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/224
dc.description The subject of this thesis is relevant because, in order to become visible in the market, undertakings must fulfil the needs of their clients and stand out from the competition. Therefore, it is purposeful to use marketing tools - a totality of actions and decisions that results in the desired reactions of the consumers, the fulfilment of their needs and the establishment of prerequisites required for implementing the undertaking’s goals and successful operation. The problem of the thesis. Is UAB “StepTrans” appropriately using marketing tools in order to attract clients and increase its visibility? The object of the thesis – marketing tools used by UAB “StepTrans”. The purpose of the thesis – to evaluate the marketing tools used by UAB “StepTrans” and to provide possibilities for improving them in order to increase the visibility of the undertaking. The objectives of the thesis: 1. Analyse the theoretical aspects of the notion of service marketing; 2. Reveal the theoretical relationship between the environment of an organisation and its situation, and its effects on the creation of value; 3. Perform a situation analysis on UAB “StepTrans”; 4. Provide improvement possibilities for the marketing tools used by UAB “StepTrans” to increase visibility; The methodology of the research: Analysis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature and scientific articles; analysis of online sources, analysis of data and documents supplied by the undertaking, monitoring, questionnaire survey and result analysis. The outcomes of the research: Section 1 provides a theoretic analysis on service marketing and analyses of the organisation’s environment and situation, as well as describing the theoretical possibilities of using marketing tools to increase the visibility of the undertaking. Section 2 reviews the characteristics of the undertaking in question, the methodology of the research conducted, and an analysis of its outcomes. Towards the end of the section, the possibilities for improving the marketing tools used by the studied company to increase visibility are provided, along with conclusions and suggestions. The outcomes of this research were the possibility for the head of UAB “StepTrans” and other concerned parties to become familiar with the theory on the marketing tools used to increase the undertaking’s visibility and how they can be implemented in practice. Increasing the assortment of services, possibilities to improve the process of service provision and support are suggested as possible solutions to the problem, which UAB “StepTrans” could use to increase its visibility. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes įmonės, norėdamos tapti žinomomis rinkoje, privalo patenkinti klientų poreikius, išsiskirti iš konkurentų. Todėl tikslinga naudoti marketingo priemones – veiksmų ir sprendimų visumą, kurios dėka sukeliamos pageidaujamos vartotojų reakcijos, tenkinami jų poreikiai, sudaromos galimybės įgyvendinti įmonės tikslus ir veikti sėkmingai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Išorinė aplinka, marketingas, organizacija, vartotojai, žinomumas en_US
dc.title UAB „StepTrans” žinomumo didinimas marketingo priemonėmis en_US
dc.title.alternative Increase of awareness through marketing tools at “UAB StepTrans” en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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