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Pacientų nešiojančius skirtingus ortodontinius aparatus burnos higienos palyginamoji analizė

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dc.contributor.author Zamkauskaitė, Dovilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-17T13:29:21Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-17T13:29:21Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/221
dc.description Dovilė Zamkauskaitė: „Patients, who have different orthodontic devices, dental hygiene comparative analysis“, supervisor Kristina Paužienė, Dental Hygiene Study Programme, Department of Oral Care. Faculty of Health Sciences, Kaunas State College, Kaunas, 2018. Aim: To achieve a comparative analysis of oral hygiene in patients, who wear orthodontic appliances. Objectives: 1. Theoretically justify the importance of orthodontic treatment. 2. Define the different orthodontic devices. 3. Compare the oral hygiene in patients, who wear different orthodontic appliances. Methods and Contingent: In the final work, a quantitative research was chosen, and during the time, the patients, who wear different orthodontic devices were compared by there status of oral hygiene. The following methods, which were used for the research: scientific literature analysis, qualitative research, descriptive analysis of the received data. The research was conducted during the practice at UAB „Kauno ortodontijos centras”. The aim of the study was to calculate the index of OHI in patients, who wore different orthodontic devices and to relate them for structured interview responses. To assess the oral hygiene of patients, structured interviews and the OHI index were scored and the patients mouth photographs were used. Interview method was used to survey 12 patients, of which 4 men and 8 women were also examined, the OHI index was calculated and the dental photos were taken. The subjects were selected according to the type of orthodontic devices they wear. The 6 of the 12 patients wore the system of braces, and the other 6 had the Invisalign system. In the survey and interviews, patients participated voluntarily. Results: Out of 12 subjects, 6 were treated the system of braces and 6 with Invisalign system. The time of orthodontic treatment was unequal: from 2 weeks (B 6) to 4 years (B 4). It helps to assess the influences of the orthodontic device on oral health over a period of time. An individual OHI index for each patient helps to evaluate the status of oral hygiene. At each trial, the time and the OHI index were indicated. The calculation of the average OHI index for different orthodontic devices showed that the patients, who wore braces system had a higher (2.18 – satisfactory) index than the patients, who were treated with Invisalign system (1.63 – satisfactory). An increase of plaque was noticed in 3 Invisalign patients, and 6 who wore braces system. The 2 informants, who wore Invisalign system observed the rise of concrements, also 3, who had the braces system. During the course of orthodontic treatment, 1 Invisalign patient and 1 patient who wore orthodontic braces had noticed the worse mouth odor, than before the treatment. A wounds formation in the oral cavity during the treatment were resulted in 4 braces wearing subjects. Invisalign system treated patients did not noticed such a change. As for the alteration in orthodontic treatment, 1 respondent who was treated with Invisalign system and 1 with braces system. Tooth sensitivity increased in 4 Invisalign patients and in 3 braces wearing patients. One respodent in the group felt the dryness of the mouth. The 1 patient, who wore the braces had not noticed any changes in the mouth en
dc.description.abstract Ortodontinio gydymo reikšmė. Skirtingi ortodontiniai aparatai. Pacientų nešiojančius skirtingus ortodontinius aparatus burnos higienos būklės palyginimas en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject ortodontiniai aparatai, burnos higienos būklė, ortodontinis gydymas en_US
dc.title Pacientų nešiojančius skirtingus ortodontinius aparatus burnos higienos palyginamoji analizė en_US
dc.title.alternative Comparative Analysis of Patients’ wearing Different Orthodontic Devices, Dental Hygiene en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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